Friday, June 7, 2013

Anna university: Civil Engineering, Third semester, AG 2211 — APPLIED GEOLOGY, 2012 Question Paper

Civil Engineering
AG 2211 APPLIED GEOLOGY (Regulation 2008)
Time : Three hours 
Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
Use neat sketches wherever necessary

PART A (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

1.  Give a brief account of the Earths interior.

2. What are the effects of weathering on thengineering properties of rocks?

3.  Write the chemical composition, physical properties and uses of Calcite.

4.  List the properties of petroleum bearing reservoir rocks.

5. Write about the mineral composition, origin and properties and uses of basalt.

6. Bring out the differences between dolerite and pegmatite.

7.  Briefly describe Dip and Strike of rocks use a neat diagram.

8.   What is the difference between the Wenner and Schlumberger methods?

9. Define the terms overlap and parallax.

10.  Give the functions of a breakwater.

PART B (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11.     (a)      Explain  the  work  of  a  river  and  describe  the  various  erosional  and depositional landforms created by a river.

(b)      How are earthquakes caused? Give an account of the earthquake belts in

12.     (a)      Give a detailed account of the chemical composition, physical properties, origin, occurrence, engineering behaviour and uses of the clay minerals.


(b)      Describe     the    varieties,     composition,    properties,    origin     &    Indian occurrences of coal.

13.     (a)      Describe the mineral composition, texture, origin, engineering properties and uses of Granite, Limestone, Quartzite and Schist.


(b)      List the various laboratory and field tests to be carried out to determine the engineering properties of rocks.

14.     (a)      Classify  folds  and  faults  in  rocks  and  explain  how  they  influence  the design of dams.


(b)      Write an elaborate account of the seismic methods of investigation in civil engineering.

15.     (a)      Classify  aerial  photographs   and  explain  in  detail  their  role  in  civil engineering surveys.


(b)      Give a detailed account of the types of landslides,  the causative  factors and the methods to prevent landslides.


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