Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Physical Geography: B.A./B.Sc. (First Year) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Physical Geography: B.A./B.Sc. (First Year) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.A./B.Sc. (First Year) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Physical Geography)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 75
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe the structure of the interior of the earth according to Suess. 15

2. What do you mean by "Isostasy" ? Elaborate the view of Pratt to explain it. 15

3. What is volcanicity ? Discuss the topography produced by volcanicity. 15

4. Explain the erosional and depositional features by wind work. 15

5. What do you mean by inversion of temperature ? Discuss the factors affecting inversion of temperature. 15

6. What is rainfall ? Describe the distribution of rainfall in the world. 15

7. Explain the scheme of climatic classification adopted by Thornthwait. 15

8. How are tides caused ? What are their types ? 15

9. Discuss the ocean deposits. 15

American Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

American Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(American Literature)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80

Q.No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt one question from each Block. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain with reference to the context any four of the following excerpts :

(i) The pleasures of heaven are with me and the pains of hell are with me,
The first I graft and increase upon myself the letter I translate into a new tongue.

(ii) A word is dead, when it is said some say -
I say it just begins to live That day.

(iii) My object in living is to unite, My avocation and my vocation As my two eyes make one sight.

(iv) Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen ground swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the 'sun',
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.

(v) I had a job and Patti didn't. I worked a few hours a night for the hospital.....After a while Patti wanted
a job. She said she needed a job for her self respect.

(vi) Night and Day 've been tampered with, Every quality and pith Surcharged and sultry with a power
That works its will on age and hour.


2. Elaborate 'Leaves of Grass' as the national epic of America.

3. Discuss Emily Dickinson as a Mystic poet.

4. Bring out spontaneity and simplicity in Frost's lyricism with suitable references from the prescribed poems

5. 'The Scarlet Letter' is allegorical novel. Discuss.

6. Discuss Catherine Barkley as a tragic heroine.

7. Elucidate 'The Bluest Eye' as not one story but multiple and interlocking stories.


8. Discuss Miller's 'Death of a Salesman' as a tragedy.

9. Elucidate 'The Glass Menagerie' as a memory play and state its symbolic significance.

10. Justify the Emperor Jones' as a one-man play.


11. How, according to Emerson, does the over-soul manifest itself ?

12. What is the issue discussed in the story 'A small, good thing' by the writer ?

Canadian Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Canadian Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Canadian Literature)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80

Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one from ecah Unit. All questions carry equal marks.


1. With reference to the first phase of Modernist period of poetry, comment on the attitude of Canadian poets towards nature. 16

2. Enumerate the features of Canadian novels of the first part of the 20th century. 16


3. Write critical analysis of 'Laurentian Shield' by F.R. Scott. 16

4. Purdy's poems are 'Dramas of self-revision'. Justify. 16

5. Discuss Margaret Alwood as a feminist writer with reference to prescribed text. 16


6. Describe Margaret Laurence's art of mixing themes and subthemes in novels with suitable references. 16

7. Discuss Alice Munro's contribution to Canadian literature. 16

8. Elaborate various themes of the novel 'Surfacing'. 16


9. Discuss feminism in the poetry of Uma Parameswaran. 16

10. Elaborate Doc as a modern Canadian Drama. 16

Post-Colonial Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Post-Colonial Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Post-Colonial Literature)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Your answers should not exceed 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss Ashis Nandy's 'The Intimate Enemy' justification as to how Indian culture has preserved itself through centuries. 16

2. Compare and contrast the characters of Bijjala and Basavanna with Sovideva with suitable reasons,
substantiating from the text. 16

3. Comment on the title 'India : A Wounded Civilization' and justify it as a political commentary. 16

4. Explain how Ghosh distinguishes between Indian Diaspora and Diaspora of other countries and state the important role of memory in creating imaginary links. 16

5. Explain the terms 'nationalism' and 'anti-colonial nationalism' as discussed by Partha Chatterjee in his essay
"Whose Imagined Community ?" 16

6. "Racism has a long reach." Explain with reasons Arun Prabha Mukherjee's view. 16

7. Shiv K. Kumar's 'Indian Women' is truly a postcolonial poem as it pertains to the rhythms of village life.
Explain. 16

8. The poem 'The Shapes of Fear' is truly portraying a universal primeval darkness of fear and terror inherent in human nature. Elucidate with reasons from text. 16

9. Comment on how migration and shared history becomes a matter of concern for Walcott in 'A Far Lay' from Africa'. 16

10. Write a critical explanation on the narrative technique of the "Things Fall Apart". 16

Economic Policy and Rural Development: B.Com. (Second Year) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Economic Policy and Rural Development: B.Com. (Second Year) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.Com. (Second Year) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Economic Policy and Rural Development)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the present Industrial Policy of India.

2. Write the characteristic features of Indian Agriculture.

3. Explain The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rajasthan in detail.

4. Discuss the characteristics of Indian Foreign Trade.

5. What do you mean by Agriculture Finance ? Discuss the need of Agriculture Finance.

6. What are the functions of W.T.O. ?

7. Explain the characteristics and importance of Panchayati Raj in India.

8. Describe the important features of Indian population.

9. Write an essay on "Globalisation v/s Swadeshi".

10. Explain the recent trend of Indian Foreign Trade.

Romantics to Victorians: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Romantics to Victorians: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Romantics to Victorians)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Write a summary of John Ruskin's 'Unto This Last'. 16

2. Write a note on Walter Pater's views regarding the distinction between the prose and the poetry. 16

3. Make a study of Arnold's conception of the nature and mission of poetry. 16

5. What is the relevance of Goldsmith's 'The Deserted Village' to India today ? 16

6. Discuss James Thomson as a poet of nature. 16

7. Elucidate the magical effect nature had on William Wordsworth. 16

8. Discuss the merits of Shelley as a poet. 16

9. Discuss the theme of "A Tale of Two Cities". 16

10. Evaluate Thomas Hardy as a novelist. 16

Recent Trends in Library and Information Science: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Recent Trends in Library and Information Science: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Recent Trends in Library and Information Science)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define and discuss the need of marketing in library services. 8

2. Discuss the concept of open and distance education in library and information science. 8

3. Discuss the recent trends of professional education in accordance with the changes in the field of information professionals ? 8

4. Write an essay on various library and information science courses. 8

5. Discuss various communication technologies useful for library and information science education. 8

6. Discuss various tools and techniques of web 2.0 ? 8

7. Discuss the concept and history of open source software with its merits and demerits. 8

8. Discuss various steps involved in Library Automation. 8

9. Discuss various education techniques involved in structuring the syllabus. 8

10. Write notes on any two of the following :
(i) E-learning
(ii) Quality services
(iii) Open access publication
(iv) Information school movement                            4+4

Interpretation of Literature and Slylistics: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Interpretation of Literature and Slylistics: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Interpretation of Literature and Slylistics)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define stylistics in relation to language and literature. 16


What are the aspects of cohesion and context in stylistic analysis of Fiction and Drama ? 16

2. Cohesion of words and phrases is strongly indicative of the fact that the thought of the text as a whole is cohesive and one. 16

3. Parallelism is basic to poetry. Parallelism in sound results in parallelism of words and sentences and finally leads into parallelism in thought and sense. Illustrate. 16

4. The source of all ornamentation and deviation in language is one and the same. Both result from the violence of selection restrictions. Explain and justify. 16

5. Grammatical language is said to be the standard language but the foregrounding theory suggest violation of grammar. Can't we, therefore, say that all foregrounded language is substandard or un-standard. 16

6. Hopkins opines that the language of poetry of necessity must be difficult and obscure. It requires several readings before it comes right. In the light of it point out some characteristics of Hopkin's language. 16

7. Literary language could be very much like the language of our world - the language that each one speaks and uses - and yes it is only like and not exactly of our world. Do you agree ? Explain and illustrate with example. 16

8. Explain the difference between meaningful language and meaning making language. Do they cancel each
other ? 16

9. Distinguish between translation and transliteration and explain how they work as the devices of codemixing. 16

10. What is the true meaning of deviation ? How it been misinterpreted in the case of standard English stylistics of Foregrounding of language if so how and why ? 16

Accountancy: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Accountancy: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70


Attempt all the three questions fromSection-A. Each question contains an internal choice. Each question carries 14 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.

1. X Company supplies goods to its Jaipur branch at cost plus 25%. From the following particulars, prepare the Branch A/c showing the Branch Profit :

Opening stock 3,200

Goods sent to branch 50,000

Sales : Cash Rs. 34,720

Credit Rs. 15,680 50,400

Cash received from customers 14,000

Wages and salaries (Remitted by H.O.) 2,128

Rent and insurance

(Remitted by H.O.) 1,660

Discount to customers 360

Bad debts 200

Theft of goods 140

Returns from customers 280

Depreciation on branch assets 140  (14 Marks)


What do you mean by Hire Purchase System ? What are its main characteristics ? 14

2. What is Garner v/s Murray Rule ? How it is applied under Fixed and Fluctuating Capital System ? 14


What is Buy-back of shares ? State the various provisions and guidelines regarding this aspect. 14

3. Explain the process of Financial analysis. 14


What is Cash Flow Analysis ? Give its advantages and limitations. 14


Attempt any four questions from Section-B. Each question carries 7 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 150 words each.

4. Explain the meaning and scope of audit. 7

5. Explain the scope of statutory audit. 7

6. What is meaning of Internal Control ? Explain object of Internal Control. 7

7. What is an audit programme ? How should it be constructed ? 7

8. What points are considered by an auditor in vouching ? 7

9. What do you understand by fictitious assets ? At what value they are valued ? 7

10. What important documents would you consult before commencing the audit of a joint stock company and why ? 7

Bhakti Movement and Sufism in India: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Bhakti Movement and Sufism in India: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University 
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Bhakti Movement and Sufism in India)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70/80

Attempt all the three questions from Part-A. Each question contains an internal choice. Each question carries 14/16 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.

1. Analyse the results of the Bhakti Movements.


Discuss about the teachings of Kabir and Nanak.

2. Do you agree that the Bhakti Movement was effected by the Islam ?


Do you agree that Sufism was influenced by the Bhakti Movement ?

3. Discuss about the teachings of the main Bhakti Saints.


Analyse the results of the Bhakti Movement.


Attempt any four questions from Part-B. Each question carries 7/8 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.

4. Discuss about the 'Khalsa'.

5. Give an account of teachings of Ramanand.

6. Define Khanqah.

7. Write a short note on the Naqshbandi Silsilah.

8. How far Sufism and Hindu mysticism influenced to each others ?

9. Write a short note on Shankaracharya.

10. Discuss the relations of the Suhrawardi Saints with State.

Office Organisation and Management: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Office Organisation and Management: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Office Organisation and Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 35


Attempt all the three questions fromPart-A. Each question contains an internal choice. Each question carries 7 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.

1. Examine the major processes of Office Management. 7


What factors would you take into account while laying out an office ? 7

2. What do you mean by incoming and outgoing mail ? How this task can be managed effectively ? 3½+3½


Write a note on need and significance of external communication. 7

3. What are the objects of introducing office machines ? Point out the advantages of introducing office machine. 7


Can all office operations be standardised ? What principles should guide the office administrator in the task of setting standards ? 4+3


Attempt any four questions from Part-B. Each question carries 3½ marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.

4. Explain scope of office management. 3½

5. What do you mean by office procedures ? 3½

6. Discuss the equipments which facilitate internal communication in an office. 3½

7. What do you mean by punched card machine ? What is its utility ? 3½

8. What do you understand by editing of data ? 3½

9. "Forms are basic tools of all office work." Discuss this statement. 3½

10. Write about significance of good personnel relations in an office. 3½

Commercial Law: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Commercial Law: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Commercial Law)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 35


Attempt all the three questions from Part-A. Each question contains an internal choice. Each question carries 7 marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.

1. "If the parties to an agreement do not intend to create legal relations, there is no contract." Explain and discuss the elements of a valid contract. 2+5


What is consideration ? What are its types ? Describe the main elements of a consideration. 2+2+3

2. Explain the position of a minor in a partnership firm. What are his rights and liabilities ? Clarify. 2+5


State the nature of contract of indemnity. Describe the rights of indemnity holder when sued. 3+4

3. Discuss the rules regarding passing of property from seller to buyer in a contract of sale. 7


What is meant by bills of exchanges ? Discuss various forms of bills of exchanges giving examples. 2+5


Attempt any four questions from Part-B. Each question carries 3½ marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.

4. State the various types of agreements.

5. "Mental acceptance is no acceptance." Comment.

6. What are quasi-contracts ? Discuss its types.

7. Explain the term 'continuous guarantee'.

8. State the powers of an arbitrator.

9. Clarify the implied conditions in a contract of sale of goods.

Human Environment: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Human Environment: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Human Environment)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt five questions in all.


1. Explain meaning of Environment. Discuss multidisciplinary nature of Human Environment study. 9+5


Define Ecosystem. Explain what do you understand by Ecosystem. Write names of its components. 4+5+5


2. What is afforestation ? Describe its reasons. Discuss methods of conservation of forest resources.


Explain natural resources. How these resources are affected by human activities ? 9+5


3. Write an essay on "Population growth and pollution". 14


Describe land/soil pollution. How solid waste is disposed ? 9+5


4. Write about effects of (modern) agriculture on environment. 14


Explain the effects of environmental pollution on Human Health. 14


5. Discuss the role of people's mass awareness programme in environmental conservation. 14


Describe the ill-effects of development on Environment. 14

Principles of Mass Communication: M.J. (M.C.) (Previous) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Principles of Mass Communication: M.J. (M.C.) (Previous) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.J. (M.C.) (Previous) EXAMINATION,
June, 2011
(Principles of Mass Communication)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are the aims and functions of mass communication ? Describe.

2. What are the difference between communication and mass communication ? Explain the various types of

3. Explain the significance of mass communication for society at large. Give at least one concrete example.

4. Write an essay on development of mass communication in independent India.

5. "To manufacturing consent in favour of ruling class, mass media serves the state." Do you agree with the above statement ? Give your opinion.

6. Why and how every government wants to regulate the media ? Explain.

7. Discuss the cultural theory of mass communication.

8. Write a critical note on new dimensions of mass communication.

9. "Hindi cinema is nothing but mass entertainment." Do you agree with the statement ? Give your opinion.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following (200 words) :
(i) Legal provisions for mass communication
(ii) Process of mass communication
(iii) Woman empowerment and Hindi cinema
(iv) Communication theory

Social Problems of Rajasthan (Status of Women): D.S.P.R. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Social Problems of Rajasthan (Status of Women): D.S.P.R. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
D.S.P.R. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
Social Problems of Rajasthan (Status of Women)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. What do you mean by Gender Ratio ? Discuss about the causes of gender imbalance in the state of Rajasthan.5+15

2. Define female foeticide. Explain important causes and consequences of female foeticide. 5+15

3. Identify and evaluate those schemes launched for health and nutrition of girl child in Rajasthan. 20

4. Write an essay on the problem of child marriage in Rajasthan. 20

5. Is patriarchal system in Indian society weakening ? Discuss its reasons. 20

6. "The development of a girl child is immensely affected by customs and traditions prevalent in our society."
Comment. 20

7. What do you mean by gender discrimination ? Discuss about the status of women's work distribution in government schemes and programmes in Rajasthan. 5+15

8. Define domestic violence. What measures you suggest to control domestic violence ? 5+15

9. What do you mean by conjugal rights ? Discuss the Act made for the protection of conjugal rights. 5+15

10. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Problems of aged women
(ii) Problems of reproduction among girls 10+10

Development Communication: M.J. (Mass Communication) (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Development Communication: M.J. (Mass Communication) (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.J. (Mass Communication) (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Development Communication)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. "The role of development communication is now not limited to expansion of informations. It has taken a dimension of changing the lives and outlook of people." Analyse.

2. Discuss the Alternative paradigms of development and development communication.

3. "The modern communication technologies have provided interactive communication systems and have made participatory approach to development possible." Analyse.

4. What do you understand by rural development ? What are the elements that hinder the development ?

5. What do you understand by right to information ? For giving dynamism to it, explain the role of Government.6. "Mass Media be free from politics." Explain this statement.

7. Write critically an article on the "mass communication and culture".

8. Comment briefly on the topic, "The future of Development Communication Research in India."

9. Discuss fundamental principles of development news writing.

10. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(i) Development support communication model
(ii) Tool for development
(iii) EDUSAT
(iv) F.M. radio
(v) Web portal
(vi) E-University

Radio Writing: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Radio Writing: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Radio Writing)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 35
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Write on the importance of variation in news writing for radio with examples.

2. What are the advantages of radio in rural India ?

3. Discuss the role of words, music, silence and sound effect in radio broadcast.

4. "Communication through radio is a very challenging job." Explain in detail.

5. Radio is called spokesman of the common man. Therefore what should be the texture of broadcasting language ? Answer with illustrations.

6. What do you know about adaptation of novels and stories for radio ? What are the points to be borne in mind while doing this job ?

7. "For the success of spoken word programmes not only the choice of subjects but presentation is also important." Comment on this statement.

8. What role radio can play in the field of education, especially adult education ? Explain in detail.

9. Describe different stages of production of radio programme for farmers.

10. Write short notes of about 200 words on any two of the following :
(i) Outside broadcasts
(ii) Radio interview
(iii) Special audience programmes
(iv) Musical interlude
(v) Bahujan Hitaya, Bahujan Sukhaya

Export Process and Documentation: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Export Process and Documentation: B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.A./B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Export Process and Documentation)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 35

Attempt any three questions from Part-A. Each question carries 7 marks.
The answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.

1. Explain Documentation in International Trade.

2. Explain terms of payment in Export-Import.

3. What is Foreign Exchange Regulation Act ? Explain clearly.

4. Explain Export Credit Insurance Schemes.

5. Explain schemes for Export Promotion in India.

6. Explain Management of Exchange Risks.


Attempt any four questions from Part-B. Each question carries 3½ marks. The answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.

7. What do you mean by Export ?

8. What is Export Finance ?

9. What do you mean by Conditions of Payment ?

10. What do you mean by Claims of Export ?

11. What is Pre-shipment Risk ?

12. What is ECGC ?

Educational Management: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Educational Management: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Educational Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

1. Describe the principles of Educational Management. 16

2. What is Decision Process Theory for Educational Management ? Explain it. 16

3. How System Approach is different from Contingency Approach ? 16

4. What are the advantages of 'Management by Objectives' ? 16

5. What do you mean by Total Quality Management in Education ? Give its essential elements. 16

6. Describe the principles of Educational Planning. 16

7. What is the difference between known and closed climate ? Give its characteristics. 16

8. What do you mean by Educational Decision-making ? Give the principles of Educational Decision-making. 16

9. What is Control ? Explain the process of control in Educational Management. 16

10. Give the meaning of communication. Explain the process of communication. 16

International Business: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

International Business: B.Com. EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
B.Com. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Principles of Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 35
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Each question should be answered in about 500 words. Detail distribution of marks is given in paper itself.

1. Define management and describe its essential characteristics. 2+5

2. Clearly explain the nature and importance of principles of management. 7

3. Explain briefly the steps involved in planning process. 7

4. What do you mean by organisation structure ? Describe the factors determining it. 2+5

5. Narrate the limitations and hindrances in delegation of authority. 7

6. Explain in detail the Maslow's theory of Motivation.

7. "Leaders are born, not made." Comment. 7

8. Define direction and explain its importance as a management function. 2+5

9. Define coordination and discuss its importance in management. 2+5

10. Discuss the main principles of control. 7

International Business: M.Com. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

International Business: M.Com. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Com. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(International Business)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is International Business ? Explain various external environmental factors of International Business.

2. Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payments and write a note on problem of developing
countries related to balance of payments.

3. Critically examine new export-import policy of India. Also explain the main characteristics of export-import policy.

4. Put a light on objectives and functions of World Bank.

5. Write short notes on the following :
(i) OPEC
(ii) G-20

6. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Documentary credit
(ii) Methods of International payments

7. Write short notes on the following :
(i) International monetary fund
(ii) Globalisation

8. Write an essay on "World Trade Organization".

9. What are the objectives of foreign trade control ? Describe various methods of foreign trade regulation.

10. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Foreign trade and India
(ii) Special economic zone

Development of Sociology in India: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Development of Sociology in India: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Development of Sociology in India)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the structure of society in Indian classical literature. (16 Marks)
2. Describe the background of development of Sociology in India during pre-independence period. 16
3. Discuss the nature and directions of sociological research in India. 16

4. What is structural approach ? Discuss some major studies in view of structural-functional approach. 6+10
5. Discuss the contribution of D.P. Mukerji on 'Dialectics of Tradition and Modernity'. 16
6. Critically examine the contribution of M.N. Shriniwas on various aspects of Indian society and culture. 16
7. Analyse Louis Dumont's 'Homo Hierarchicus' in context of caste and varna system in India. 8+8
8. Discuss the contribution of Andre Bettelie on Indian social system. 16
9. Discuss various problems of weaker sections in India. 16
10. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Social movements
(ii) Industrial relations  8+8

Twentieth Century English Literature M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Twentieth Century English Literature M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Twentieth Century English Literature)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Answer each question in 500 words. All questions carry equal marks.

1. "The Waste Land is a vision of desolation and spiritual drought." Discuss. 16
Comment critically on the techniques used by Eliot in 'The Waste Land'. 16
2. Write an essay on Yeat's symbolism with reference to the poems you have read. 16
3. Critically examine Auden's use of images and landscapes in the poems prescribed for you. 16

4. Attempt a critical appreciation of Dylan Thomas's poem 'Fern Hill'. 16
5. Discuss the merits and demerits of the plot of Shaw's play 'Saint Joan'. 16
6. What is the significance of the bears-and-squirrels game in 'Look Back in Anger' ? 16
In his play 'Playboy of the Western World', Synge uses tragedy and comedy to represent the complexity of humanlife. Comment. 16
7. Give a critical examination of the relationship of Paul with Miriam in 'Sons and Lovers'. 16
In what manner Virginia Woolf uses time, trees and flowers as motifs in 'Mrs. Dalloway' ? 16
8. Compare and contrast the character of Cranly and Emma Clery as depicted by James Joyce in 'A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man'. 16
Beckett calls the play 'Waiting for Godot' a 'tragicomedy'. Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer. 16
9. What are the main satiric targets in 'Brave New World' ?
What methods does Huxley use to attack them ? 16
10. Attempt a character sketch of Jamaica Kincaid from George Orwell's essay 'Shooting an Elephant'. 16

Towards Participatory Management: PGDESD EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper

Towards Participatory Management: PGDESD EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University,
(Towards Participatory Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt all questions of Part-A in 500 words each.
1. What do you understand by Participatory Management ?
Explain its genesis and concept. 20
Describe the various state policies and programmes for Environmental Conservation in Pakistan. 
2. Describe the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) in detail. 20
Describe the Participatory Management of Mountain Ecosystem. 20
3. Discuss various Participatory Approaches to Environment and Development. 20
Write an essay on Women's Participation in Development. 20

Attempt any four questions from Part-B. The answer should be in 250 words.

4. What is OPP ? Explain briefly. 10
5. How can people contribute to conserve forest resources ? 10
6. Write a note on Sustainable Development. 10

7. Describe the models of Participatory Management in South Asia. 10
8. What is Good Governance ? Explain it. 10
9. List the important organisation changes necessary for Sustainable Development. 10
10. Describe the practical actions for Participatory Management. 10

Research Methodology and Approaches to ELT: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper

Research Methodology and Approaches to ELT: M.Phil. EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil. EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Critical Theories; Research Methodology and Approaches to ELT )
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions in 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss Saussure's three pronouncements about linguistic structures.
2. Discuss the stream of consciousness technique giving illustrations from the works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.
3. What do you understand by Oedipus Complex ? Explain with reference to 'Hamlet' and 'Sons and Lovers'.
4. Write an essay on 'Development of the Idea of New Woman and Feminism'.

5. Discuss the significance of the Communication Method in English Language Teaching.
6. It is the time of not 'an English' but 'the Englishes'. Discuss.
7. What are the problems of the teaching of English in India ? Suggest your own solutions.
8. Compare and contrast the Bilingual Method, Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method.
9. Discuss the scope of Linguistics.
10. Discuss the contribution of some of the leading theorists of Post-Colonialism.

ENGLISH LITERATURE, M.A (Previous) EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper

ENGLISH LITERATURE, M.A  (Previous) EXAMINATION June 2011 Question Paper
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University,
M.A. (Previous) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(The Romantic Age)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Discuss Wordsworth as a poet of nature.
2. Discuss the theme of 'The Rime of Ancient Mariner'
3. Write critical appreciation of 'Ode to Autumn'.

4. Discuss 'Adonais' as pastoral elegy.
5. Write critical appreciation of Wordsworth's 'Tintern Abbey'.
6. Discuss Shelley as a Romantic poet.
7. Comment upon the prose style of Lamb.
8. Discuss the salient features of Hazlitt as an essayist.
9. Discuss the life and works of Scott.
10. Write a note on the use of Myths in the novel 'Frankenstein'.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations third semester B.E civil engineering 2013 question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Transforms and Partial Differential Equations from Anna University conducted in the year May/June 2013. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year third semester civil engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Also Common to all branches. This is applicable for the subject codes, MA 2251/MA 31/MA 1201 A/CK 201/10177 MA 301/080100008/080210001, Regulation 2008/2010. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Electrical Drives and Control third semester B.E mechanical engineering 2013 question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Electrical Drives and Control from Anna University conducted in the year May/June 2013. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year third semester mechanical engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Also common for Production Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petro-chemical Engineering and Petro-chemical Technology. This is applicable for the subject codes, ME 2205/ME 36/10122 ME306/EE 1205 A/080120013, Regulation 2008. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Advanced I.C Engines eighth semester B.E mechanical engineering 2013 question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Advanced I.C Engines from Anna University conducted in the year May/June 2013. This question paper is useful for those students who are studying final year eighth semester mechanical engineering course under Anna University Chennai. This is applicable for the subject codes, ME 2041/ME 807, Regulation 2008. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

University: Anna University 
Course: B.E Mechanical Engineering 
Semester: 8 
Subject Code: ME 2041/ME 807 
Year of Examination: 2013

Heat and Mass Transfer fourth semester B.E mechanical engineering 2012 question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Heat and Mass Transfer from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year fourth semester mechanical engineering course under Anna University Chennai. This is applicable for the subject codes, ME 2251/113401/ME 41/ME 1251/10122 ME 502/080120015. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Manufacturing Technology-II fourth semester B.E mechanical engineering 2012 question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Manufacturing Technology-II from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year fourth semester mechanical engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Engineering Physics-II second semester B.E mechanical engineering question paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Engineering Physics-II from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying first year second semester mechanical engineering and is common for all branches under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Engineering Materials and Metallurgy B.E fourth semester Mechanical Engineering 2012 Question Paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Engineering Materials and Metallurgy from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year fourth semester mechanical and is common for Automobile Engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsions B.E sixth semester Mechanical Engineering 2012 Question Papers

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsions from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying third year sixth semester mechanical and is common for B.E part time Fifth semester Mechanical Engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Electronics and Microprocessors B.E fourth semester Mechanical Engineering 2012 Question Paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Electronics and Microprocessors from Anna University conducted in the year 2012. 

This question paper is useful for those students who are studying second year fourth semester mechanical and is common for Automobile, production engineering, Mechanical & Automation Engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Unconventional Machining Processes B.E sixth semester Mechanical and Production Engineering Question Paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Unconventional Machining Processes from Anna University. This question paper is useful for those students who are studying thrid year sixth semester mechanical and production engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Anna University B.E Mechanical Sixth Semester Question Paper

Design of Machine Elements sixth semester B.E Mechanical Engineering Question Paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Design of Machine Elements from Anna University. This question paper is useful for those students who are studying third year sixth semester mechanical engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination

Finite Element Analysis sixth semester B.E Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering Question Paper

Looking for old question papers? Here is a paper Finite Element Analysis from Anna University. This question paper is useful for those students who are studying third year sixth semester mechanical and automobile engineering course under Anna University Chennai. Read the images below and take a print to use them for your upcoming examination.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Anna University resheduled UG/PG Examinations Nov/Dec 2013

Anna University resheduled UG/PG Examinations Nov/Dec 2013
Are you studying engineering courses under Anna University, Chennai? Ready to write exam on 15-11-2013? A great news came from Anna University today that all exams sheduled on that day has been postponed to another day 30-11-2013. This change of date of examinations is due to Moharam festival on 15-11-2013. So all students will be happy, as 15 more days are available for such exams to prepare well. Especially third semester Civil Engineering students are more happy as their first exam 'Mechanics of Solids' sheduled on 15-11-2013, is more tough. Enjoy! Refer the official announcement below :

Click here to see official notification

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A look at tickets for Sachin Tendulkar Farewell Match at Mumbai on November 18, 2013

Sachin Tendulkar, the great Indian batsman having great touch with billions of hearts by his fantastic performance over past 24 years, is now going to play his last test (200th test) on his home ground Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.

On behalf of his farewell match, MCA (Mumbai Cricket Association) has implemented several images of Sachin, which smarts up the match tickets. Here is how the tickets look like:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (BCE-033): Diploma Civil Engineering, term end examination December 2012 Question Paper

ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (BCE-033): Diploma Civil Engineering, term end examination December 2012 Question Paper
Looking for IGNOU question papers? Here is a question, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING  (BCE-033) for Diploma Civil Engineering. This is Term-End Examination conducted in the year December, 2012. Read on to get it from here and use it for your future exams.

Diploma in Civil Engineering (DCLE(G)) DCLEVI 
Term-End Examination 
December, 2012 
Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Attempt five questions in all. Q. no. 1 is compulsory. 
All questions carry equal marks. 

1. (a) Design period of water distribution system is normally kept as : 14x1=14 
(i) 100 years (ii) 20 years  (iii) 30 years (iv) 50 years 

(b) If W is the density of water, Q is the discharge in cubic meter per second and H is total Head, the required horse power as the pump is : 
 (i) WQH/75    (ii) WQH /360 (iii) WQH/225 (iv) WQH/550

(c) Disinfectioning of drinking water is done to remove : 
(i) Turbidity (ii) Odour (iii) Colour (iv) Bacteria   (v) all of the above. 

(d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D) of safe drinking water must be : 
(i) zero (ii) 5 (iii) 15 (iv) 20 

(e) The most commonly used coagulant is : 
(i) Chlorine (ii) Alum (iii) Lime (iv) Bleaching powder 

(f) An aquifer, sandwiched between the top and the bottom aquicludes, will supply water to a well is called : 
(i) Non-Artesian well (ii) Artesian well  (iii) Flowing well (iv) None of these 

(g) The slow sand filters remove bacteria to the extent of : 
(i) 80-90%  (ii) 90-95%  (iii) 98-99% (iv) None of these 

(h) The greywater does not consist of waste water from : 
(i) bath rooms
(ii) wash basins 
(iii) kitchens
(iv) toilets 

(i) A Drop Manhole is provided if : 
(i) A sewer drops from a height 
(ii) a branch sewer joins the main sewer at higher level 
(iii) A lamp is inserted to check obstruction 
(iv) None of above. 

(j) The gas coming out from a sludge digestion tank is : 
(i) Methane only 
(ii) Carbon dioxide only 
(iii) 70% methane and 30% carbon dioxide 
(iv) 30% methane and 70% carbon dioxide 

(k) The value of coefficient of runoff for perfectly impervious areas, tend to : 
(i) zero (ii) 0.5 (iii) 1.0 (iv) Infinity 

(l) For BOD and COD which statement is correct ? 
(i) BOD<COD  (ii) BOD=COD  (iii) BOD>COD (iv) None of these 

(m) The maximum efficiency of BOD removed is achieved in : 
(i) oxidation ditch (ii) oxidation pond   (iii) aerated lagoon (iv) trickling filter 

(n) Sludges are stabilized to : 
(i) reduce their pathogens 
(ii) eliminate offensive odour 
(iii) reduce the potential for purification 
(iv) all of above 
(v) none of above

2. (a) How wells are classified. ? Distinguish  between gravity and artesian wells.  (3+4)
(b) What is the significance of Most Probable Number (MPN) test in water quality determination and how it is measured?  (7)

3. (a) Discuss the guidelines to be followed while collecting water samples. (7)
(b) List the water treatment processes covered under "pre-treatment processes". Discuss any one of the processes. (3+4)

4. With the help of neat sketch describe the functioning of slow sand filter.  (14)

5. (a) With the help of line diagram describe the working of Hydraulic Ram. (6)
(b) Differentiate between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps with reference to following :  (4 x 2 = 8)
(i) Discharge of flow 
(ii) Speed of pump 
(iii) Efficiency 
(iv) Floor space requirement

6. (a) With the help of neat sketch discuss the working of junction chamber.  (7)
(b) What is crown corrossion and how it can be prevented ?  (7)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following : 
(a) Infilteration galleries 
(b) Screens 
(c) Break point chlorination 
(d) Flanged joint 
(e) Sewer rehabilitation 
(f) Factors affecting water demand

ELEMENTARY CIVIL ENGINEERING (BCE-025): Diploma Civil Engineering, term end examination December 2012 Question Paper

ELEMENTARY CIVIL ENGINEERING (BCE-025): Diploma Civil Engineering, term end examination December 2012 Question Paper
Looking for IGNOU question papers? Here is a question, ELEMENTARY CIVIL ENGINEERING  (BCE-025) for Diploma Civil Engineering. This is Term-End Examination conducted in the year December, 2012. Read on to get it from here and use it for your future exams.

Term-End Examination
December, 2012
Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four more questions out of question no. 2 to 7. All questions carry equal marks. Explain your answers with the help of neat and labelled sketches. 

1. Choose the correct alternative. 7x2=14 

(a) The part of the structure which is above ground level is called as : 
(i) Sub-structure 
(ii) Super-structure 
(iii) Multi-structure 
(iv) None of the above 

(b) Vibrators should be penetrated in concrete in : 
(i) Horizontal direction 
(ii) Vertical direction 
(iii) Inclined direction 
(iv) None of the above 

(c) The vertical face of a window or door opening which supports the frame is called as : 
(i) mullion 
(ii) jamb 
(iii) panel 
(iv) transom 
(v) None of the above 

(d) Slump test is performed to determine : 
(i) strength of concrete 
(ii) workability of concrete 
(iii) permeability of concrete 
(iv) None of the above. 

(e) Trusses are economical for spans more than: 
(i) 3 m 
(ii) 6 m 
(iii) 20 m 
(iv) 30 m 
(v) None of the above 

(f) One bag of cement contains : 
(i) 35 kg 
(ii) 50 kg 
(iii) 75 kg 
(iv) 100 kg 
(v) None of the above

(g) The location for parking of aircraft and loading and unloading of passengers and cargo is called as : 
(i) taxiway 
(ii) apron 
(iii) hanger 
(iv) runway 
(v) none of the above 

2. (a) Enlist the divisions under civil engineering discipline, Explain in brief above geotechnical engineering.  (7)
(b) Explain role of civil engineer in various construction activities. (7)

3. (a) Define plasticity of concrete with sketches. (7)
(b) Explain plate load test with sketches.  (7)

4. (a) Discuss the classification of rubble masonry.  (7)
(b) Enlist the various points to be observed while supervising the brick masonry. (7)

5. (a) Explain properties of concrete in plastic stage. (7)
(b) What is meant by bulking of sand ? (7)

6. (a) Explain collapsible door with sketch. (7)
(b) What are the factors to be considered while planning location of a door in a room? (7)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :  (4 x 3.5 = 14)
(a) Curing of concrete 
(b) Waterproofing 
(c) Airport layout 
(d) Surface drainage 
(e) Terrazo flooring 
(f) Top hung window 

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