Saturday, January 25, 2014

AE1303 Aerodynamics-II, Third Semester Anna University B.E Aeronautical Nov/Dec 2010 Question Paper

Anna University old, model, previous and latest years question papers >> AE1303 Aerodynamics-IIThird Semester B.E Aeronautical Engineering Nov/Dec 2010 Question Paper

Looking for old, previous years and latest question papers of Anna University, Chennai ? You can find even sample and model question papers of Anna University and various universities in India. Have a look at this post which contains the latest year 2010 Anna University question paper conducted in the month Nov/Dec 2010, for the B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination 2010. This question paper is useful for those students who are preparing for Third Semester AE1303 Aerodynamics-II for the course Aeronautical Engineering. Part A consists of 10 Questions and Part B has 5 questions of either or choice with a weight-age of 16 marks each. Use the question paper for your upcoming exams to score high marks.

Anna University, Chennai
B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examination, Nov/Dec 2010 
Aeronautical Engineering 
AE1303 Aerodynamics-II 
Third Semester 
Time: 3 hours 
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer all questions.
Part A - (10 * 2 = 20 marks)

1. Write the one dimensional energy flow for isentropic flow.

2. define the shape of the nozzle needed to increase the velocity from subsonic to supersonic condition.

3. Differentiate ranging from normal shock wave and oblique shock wave.

4. What is meant by Fanno Flow?

5. Differentiate ranging from Mach wave and Shock wave.

6. What is perturbation potential?

7. describe drag divergence Mach number.

8. Name and sketch different supersonic files.

9. What is meant by transonic wind tunnel?

10. elaborate the advantages of optical methods of flow visualization?

Part B - (5 * 16 = 80 marks)

11.Derive the 3 dimensional continuity formula for a compressible flow. State the assumptions made.


12. With a neat sketch discuss the variation of static pressure of flow in a Convergent-Divergent nozzle under different back pressures.

13.Explain how a subsonic nozzle can be supersonic diffuser. [4 marks]

An aircraft flying at a Mach number 1.3 at an altitude 16000 m (p=0.15 bar, T = 216 K). The compression in its engine is partly achieved by a normal shock wave standing at the entry of its diffuser. Determine immediately downstream of the shock.

(a) Mach number

(b) Temperature of the air

(c) Pressure of the air

(d) change in entropy across the shock wave [12 marks]


14. A combustion chamber in a gas turbine plant receives air at 350 K, 0.55 bar and 75 m/s. The air-fuel ratio is 30 and the calorific value of the fuel is 42 MJ/Kg. Taking lambda = 1.4 and R = 287 J/Kg K for the gas determine:

(a) The initial and final Mach numbers.

(b) Final pressure, temperature and velocity of the gas.

(c) Percent stagnation pressure loss in the combustion chamber and

(d) the maximum stagnation temperature attainable.

15. Derive the linearised velocity potential formula for compressible flow and based on the formula derived the Prandtl-Glauert rule.


16. (a) Derive expressions for the lift and drag coefficients of a diamond aerofoil using linear theory. [8 marks]

(b) A flat plate size one m * 0.5 is tested at 1500 Kmph at the free stream pressure pressure of 0.8 MPa and temperature 30° C at an angle of attack of five degree. Using linear theory estimate the lift and drag. [8 marks]

17. (a) discuss upper and lower critical Mach numbers. [8 marks]

(b) Briefly explain area rule and supercritical air-foil. [8 marks]


18. What is the role of sweep back and sweep forward for aircraft wings? discuss the aerodynamic characteristics of swept wings.

19. discuss the working principle of shock tube with necessary sketches on pressure variation in the tube. elaborate the advantages and limitations on the operations of a shock tube?


20. (a) with a neat sketch discuss the working principle of a supersonic wind tunnel. [8 marks]

(b) with aid of sketch discuss the optical method of interferometer. [8 marks]
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