Saturday, January 25, 2014

Analysis and Design of algorithms, KSOU M.Sc. First Semester (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010 Question Paper

KSOU, Karnataka State Open University old, model, previous and latest years question papers >> Analysis and Design of algorithmsM.Sc. First Semester (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010 Question Paper:

On a search for old, previous years and latest question papers of KSOU, Karnataka State Open University ? You can find here in this blog, even sample and model question papers of KSOU, Karnataka State Open University and various universities in India. Have a look at this post that contains the latest year 2010 for KSOU, Karnataka State Open University question paper conducted in the month June/July, for the M.Sc. (I.T.) First Semester Examination 2010. This question paper is useful for those students who are preparing for Analysis and Design of algorithms for M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination. Part A consists of 10 Questions carrying a total marks 25 and Part B has 8 questions out of which, you should answer 5 questions carrying 10 marks each. Use the question paper for your upcoming exams to score high marks.
KSOU, Karnataka State Open University
I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, June/July 2010
Analysis and Design of algorithms
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Answer all questions : (12×2+1×1=25)
1. Mention different characteristics of algorithm.
2. Explain 4 main block of an iterative process.
3. Mention 2 conditions that must be satisfied by any recursive procedure.
4. Mention the demerits of iteration method.
5. Define a finite graph, with an example
6. Define general graph.
7. Mention the properties of true.
8. Define a spanning tree.
9. Mention the steps involved in divide and conquer method.
10. What is cassette filling ?
11. What is backtracking ?
12. What is sequential search ?
13. A graph with finite number of vertices __________
Answer any five questions : (5×10=50)
1. a) Write an algorithm to check whether a given point p(x,y) lies on x-axis or y-axis or in I/II/III/IV quadrant.
b) Write an algorithm to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.
2. a) Write an algorithm for merge sort.
b) Write an algorithm to implement hashing technique.
3. Use your own graph and find the following.
a) Spanning tree
b) Incidence matrix
c) Hamiltonian path
d) Binary tree.
4. Write a program to find the maximum and minimum of the list of n element with and without using recursion.
5. What is 0/1 knapsack ? Write algorithm and illustrate the difference between general knapsack and 0/1 knapsack.
6. Write the algorithm for job scheduling method and explain.
7. With an example explain :
a) Cassette filling problem
b) Subset problem.
8. Explain the different techniques for searching graph.
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