University of Calicut, UOC Sample, Model, Previous years Question Papers >> IT 09 605 – Human Computer Interaction:
Searching for sample, model, old previous and latest question papers of University of Calicut? Hereunder is a question paper titled "IT 09 605 – Human Computer Interaction" for sixth semester B.Tech. (Engineering) Degree exam, May 2012. Read on to get your question paper and use the same for your exam purpose.University of Calicut
B.Tech. (Engineering) Degree exam, May 2012.
IT 09 605 – Human Computer Interaction
(2009 Admissions)
Sixth Semester
Time:3 hours
Part A (5 * 2 = 10 Marks)
Answer all questions
1. What is the myth of the infinitely fast machine?
2. provide any 4 examples of imaging models?
3. How can design rationale benefit interface design and why might it be rejected bydesign teams?
4. Who are the stakeholders ? List the categories of stakeholders?
5. List the valuation challenges for ubiquitous computing?
Part B (4 * 5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any 4 questions
6. Draw the block diagram representing human-computer interaction framework and discuss it.
7. Compare deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and adductive reasoning.
8. elaborate the 2 main architectures used for group-ware systems? Identify the strength and limitations of every and suggest how they can be solved.
9. explain about the benefits and issues of using video in experimentation?
10. Write shot notes on valuation through user participation.
11. Illustrate the stages of soft systems methodology.
Part C (4 * 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer all questions
12. (a) provide a few ideas for an interface which uses the properties of sound effectively.
(b) How the user performance is improved using ergonomics? discuss.
13. (a) explain about the usability engineering related to design process.
(b) elaborate the four main kinds of help that users may require? For every type, provide an example of situation in which it would be improper.
14. (a) discuss the pros and cons in conversation and text-based communication.
(b) List any 3 diagrammatic notations used in dialog design .Explain every of them with an example.
15. (a) Name a few application themes of ubiquitous computing .Explain them in brief.
( b) discuss the following:
(i) shared windows systems
(ii) shared editors
(iii) Co-authoring systems.
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