Friday, January 17, 2014

LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRI) M.Phil and M.Sc. admissions 2014

LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRI) M.Phil and M.Sc. admissions 2014

LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRI) Tezpur has released admission 2014 notification  to invite applications for admission into its M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology , Psychiatric Social Work and M.Sc. in Nursing 2014.

The applying candidate should have, for M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology, postgraduate degree from a UGC recognized University in Psychology/Clinical Psychology/ Applied Psychology/Psychological Counseling, with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate.

For M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work, should have postgraduate degree in Social Work from a UGC recognized university securing not less than 55% marks in aggregate in Master’s degree.

For M.Sc. Nursing, applicants should have a certificate of B.Sc./Post-basic B.Sc. degree in Nursing with not less than 55% aggregate marks from a college/institute/university recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.

How to apply:
Only online applications are accepted. Register online at the website: An application fee of Rs. 200/-  is applicable which has to be paid.

Important Date:
Last date for submission of applications: 10th February 2014, More informations are available at this file,

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