Tamil Nadu Open University-Marketing for Managers 2011 Question Paper:
This is a university question paper titled "Marketing for Managers" from Tamil Nadu Open University for the course, MBA. This question paper was originally asked in the year 2011, August MBA examination by Tamil Nadu Open University. If you are a student under this university, you can use this question paper for your exam preparation. If you want to ask any query, please leave a comment.Tamil Nadu Open University
M.B.A. Degree Examination, August 2011.
Marketing for Managers
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 × 5 = 15 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
1. Define Marketing Management.
2. Explain Marketing Mix.
3. What is market segmentation?
4. Explain any two needs of Maslow's need of hierarchy.
5. Write short notes on Market forecasting.
PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
6. What are the objectives of Market Research and explain its process?
7. Why do new product fails?
8. What are the marketing advantages of branding? How branding facilitate the buyer behaviour?
9. Evaluate the importance of pricing in a Marketing programme. What are the typical pricing
10. What is Sales Management? What are its functions?
11. Discuss the functions and services of wholesaler.
12. Write a detail note on Cyber Marketing and its importance.
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