Tamil Nadu Open University-Managing Change in Organization 2011 Question Paper:
This is a university question paper titled "Managing Change in Organization" from Tamil Nadu Open University for the course, MBA. It was asked in the year 2011, August. If you are a student under this university, you can use this question paper for your exam preparation. If you want to ask any query, please leave a comment.Tamil Nadu Open University
M.B.A. Degree Examination, August 2011.
Managing Change in Organization
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 * 5 = 15 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
1. Who are all the stakeholders of initiating the change in organization?
2. Explain the methodologies of organizational diagnosis.
3. Explain the organization development model.
4. How to manage and avoid the resistance of changes?
5. Discuss the do’s and dont’s in organization development process implementation.
PART B — (4 * 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
6. "Any organization before they adopt change management, they want to prepare the organization and people for change" - Comment.
7. Explain the different types of O.D intervention techniques.
8. Explain the organization development models.
9. Critically analyse the role of consultant in doing organization change and implementation.
10. Culture and change are important factors in O.D. process – How to manage this?
11. What are the skills and abilities required for an internal change agent?
12. Design a organization development model for post office and financial institution.
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