Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Question Paper of Advanced Computer Architecture set 4, JNTU Kakinada 2011 B.Tech CSE

Final set (4th set) of question paper for JNTU B.Tech CSE 2011, Advanced Computer Architecture is hereunder. Make use of it for your future exams.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 
Code No: M0523, Set: 04
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November, 2011
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Define speed up. How Amdahl’s law be used to find the speed up of a computer systems.
b) Discuss the major factors that influence the power of a computer. How the dissipated heat is removed?
c) Quantify and summarize the performance of a computer system.

2. a) Derive the performance equation of pipeline with stalls.
b) What are the generic data hazards?
c) How to minimize the data hazard stalls by forwarding?

3. a) What are the methods for increasing instruction delivery bandwidth?
b) What are the key issues in implementing advanced speculation techniques?
c) What are the effects of realistic branch and jump prediction schemes on the performance of ICP?

4. a) Describe the ways of improving the performance of cache.
b) Describe page-based virtual memory for process protection.

5. a) Distinguish between Hardware virus software speculations
b) What is the effect of using of processor with finite registers in ILP?
c) What are the assumptions made for an ideal processor for ILP?

6. a) Discuss performance of multiprocessors beyond single thread.
b) Schematically describe the working of a distributed shared memory multiprocessors.

7. a) What are the advantages of small form factor disk drives?
b) What are the problems of disk arrays?
c) Differentiate among error Vs latent error Vs failure.

8. Write a short notes on any two of the following
a) Levels of RAID b) Cache coherence in multiprocessors c) clusters

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