Saturday, April 19, 2014

Alagappa University: MBA Education Management, DE 3769-EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT, May 2013 Question Paper

This is a question paper of Alagappa University that conducted examination in the year 2013. This paper naming 'Education Environment' (Code: DE 3769) is under M.B.A Education Management Degree Course by Distance Mode. So we request the respective students to use this question paper at free of cost here. If you have any question paper, you can too contribute here by mailing at [email protected]

University: Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Course Mode: Distance Education
Course: MBA in Education Management
First Semester
Year: May 2013
Time : Three hours 
Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions. 

1. How the environmental factors are influencing the education system?

2. Analyse the nationale of community spending for education.

3. "Philosophical and Social environment of a nation plays a very vital role in formulating the education system" –Discuss.

4. How cultural factors are having an impact on education?

5. 'Economic condition of a society is having an influence on education – comment.

6. As an administrator how will you control the cost of education?

7. What is the need for Common University Act?

8. Analyse the technological impact on education.

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks) 
Answer any FOUR questions. 

9. Discuss in detail the trends in education environment.

10. Estimate the role of values and ethics in education management.

11. 'Investment in education will yield rich dividends' – comment.

12. How political system and idealogies the having an impact on education.

13. How will you manage the technological obsolescence in education system?

14. Analyse the challenges and opportunities posed by the globalisation of education market.

15. Suggest various measures for the maintenance of campus tranquility.
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