Monday, April 7, 2014

Bharathiar University: M.Sc BioTechnology, Cell and Molecular Biology 2010 Question Paper

Are you studying under Bharathiar University ? Looking for university model question papers? Here is a paper for M.Sc Bio-Technology from Bharathiar University. The paper is titled as "Cell and Molecular Biology" which was originally asked in the year 2010. Read on to grab the question paper.

Bharathiar University 
M.Sc BioTechnology,
Time: Three hours Maximum:75 marks 
Answer all questions

SECTION A - (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS)

1.    Golgi bodies.

2.    Cytoplasm.

3.    Micro tubules

4.    Endocytosis

5.    Endo cytosis

6.    tRNA

7.    Cell junctions.

8.    Oncogenes

9.    AIDS


SECTION B - (5 X 5 = 25 MARKS)

11.(a)    Write down the functions of mitochondria in animal cell. Or

(b) Write a note on structure of nucleus.

12.(a)    Write the structure and functions of micro tubules.


(b) Explain receptor mediated endocytosis.

13.(a)    Describe the types of DNA replication.


(b) Define and explain the steps involved in non cyclic phosphorylation.

14.(a)    Define and explain passive transport with examples.


(b) Write down the characteristics and causes of cancer.

15.(a)    Write a note on development of filariasis in man and mosquito.


(b) Explain gemato genesis. in animals.

SECTION C - (5 X 8 = 40 marks)

16.(a)    Describe the structure and functions of endoplasmic reticulum.


(b) Explain the methods for separation and purification of cell structure and molecules.

17.(a)    Give an account on membrane protein.


(b) Describe the structure and functions of chloroplast.

18.(a)    Explain RNA transcription and precessing.


(b) Describe electron transport chain in mitochondria.

19.(a)    Define cell junction and explain the major cell junctions in vertebrates.


(b) Write a note on tumor suppressor genes with examples.

20.(a)    Write down the types,symptoms and pathogenesis of Malaria.


(b) Define and explain parthenogenesis.
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