Saturday, April 5, 2014

IGNOU: Radiographic Imaging B.Sc Medical Imaging Technology June 2013 Question Paper

This is a question paper for a subject "Radiographic Imaging" B.Sc Degree Course in Medical Imaging Technology from IGNOU university. The exam was conducted in the year 2013. Read on for more information.

University: IGNOU, Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Course: B.Sc Medical Imaging Technology
Year of Examination: June 2013
Subject with code:BAHI-032-Radiographic Imaging

Term-End Examination 
June, 2013 
Time : 3 hours                                                            Maximum Marks : 70 


1. Fill in the blanks : 10 x 1=10 

(a) The layer of intensifying screen is made up of  ____________________                      

(b) The delayed emission of light from a substance even after radiation stop is called ____                

(c) The  _______________   screen are used when fine detail is required.

(d) The slow film has ______________ grain size compared to fast films.

(e) The ratio of exposure without screen to that of the exposure with screen to produce the
same density is called ______________________ factor.

(f) The degree of blackening produced on the film due to X-rays is termed as ___________                        
(g) The characteristic curve is drawn between ________ and ______________                        

(h)The tangent of the angle of slope of the straight line part of characteristic curve is defined as ________________                        

(i)The image intensifier input phosphor make ______________ use of crystal.

(j)Crow's feet mark on the film are due to _______________ artifact.

2. Write short notes on the following : 5x4=20

(a) Basic fog

(b) Supercoat of X-ray film

(c) Geometrical un-sharpness

(d) Latent image

(e) Safe light in dark room

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