Saturday, April 12, 2014

Madras University: The Twentieth Century B.A English 2012 Question

The Twentieth Century is an important previous years question paper of Madras University. If you are preparing for an exam for the course B.A English, then this question question paper will be of great help to you. Read it below.
University : Madras University
Course : B.A.English
Exam conducted in the year: October, 2012
Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Subject Name : The Twentieth Century 

1. Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 
Choosing not more than TWO from each Group.    (5 × 2 = 10) 

 (a) What does the title ‘Unknown Citizen suggest’?
 (b) What does the poem ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ represent?
 (c) What is the central idea of poem ‘Hollow Men’.

 (d) Name a few historical characters whose actions were influenced by superstitions.
 (e) List out all the things the writer took out from his pocket.
 (f) Why does the author feel that each of us must be indifferent to something? Give two examples.

 (g) What does King Magnus propose to do after his abdication?
 (h) Who are Sempronius and Pamphilius?
 (i) What is the difference between the attitudes of America and England?

2. Write short note on any FIVE of the following questions in about 60 words each. Choosing not more than TWO from each Group : (5 × 5 = 25) 

 (a) What are the characteristics of Auden's Unknown Citizen?
 (b) Comment on the two epigraphs of T.S. Eliot's ‘The Hollow Men’.
 (c) What is Wilfred Owen's attitude to Wax?

 (d) Show the differences between the state of patronage of art in the U.S. and England.
 (e) What are the findings of the biologist in the Negro problem in America?
 (f) What are the circumstances that led the writer to empty out his pocket?

 (g) Comment on the women characters in Shaw's ‘The Apple Cart’.
 (h) Sketch the character of Proteus.
 (i) Sum up Shaw's views on democracy.

3. Write an essay on FOUR of the following in about 400 words each : (4 × 15 = 60)
 (a) What are the views of A.G. Gardiner on Superstitions?
 (b) Write a critical appreciation of Larkin's thoughts on visiting a Church.

4. (a) How does D.H. Lawrence stress the importance of novel in Literature?
 (b) Comment on the evocative super naturalism of the poem ‘The Listeners’.

5. (a) Justify the title, ‘The Apple Cart’.
 (b) Discuss T.S. Eliot's ‘The Murder in the Cathedral’ as a religious play.

6. (a) Write a description of the moor and discuss how it adds to the horror atmosphere of the novel ‘The Hound of Baskervilles’.
 (b) Write on the stream of consciousness technique as adopted by Virginia Woolf in ‘To the Lighthouse’.

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : (5)
Those of us who live in regions covered with forests and surrounded by hills may find it difficult to imagine what a desert is really like. The popular belief is that it is an endless stretch of sand where no rain falls and therefore, no vegetation grows. It is dry, hot, waterless and without shelter. But this is not entirely correct. For those who have studied it, the desert can be a beautiful place. It is the home of a variety of people, animals and plants that have learnt to live under very hot and dry conditions.
 (a) Who can't easily imagine what a desert is?
 (b) What do people generally think of a desert?
 (c) Why is there no vegetation in a desert?
 (d) Can a desert be a beautiful place?
 (e) Whose home is a desert?
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