Saturday, April 19, 2014

Maharaja Ganga Singh University: Principles of Criticism, M.A Final English Literature, 2009 Question Paper

The following question paper refers to an old question paper of Maharaja Ganga Singh University. It is having the title, "Principles of Criticism" for M.A Final year English Literature. This question paper was asked in the 2009 Maharaja Ganga Singh University Examination. Get it now from the following passages.

University: Maharaja Ganga Singh University
Paper: Principles of Criticism, Fifth paper
Paper Code: PA-2121
Year of Examination: 2009

Time allowed:3 hrs 
Maximum marks:100
Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.

Unit- 1

1. Describe Aristotle's theory of catharsis.


"The plot, then, is the first principle and as it were, the soul of tragedy :Character holds the second place." Comment.

2. Examine critically Longiness definition of the sublime. Discuss his views regarding the nature of
the sublime.


Distinguish between the true and the false sublime.


3. Evaluate the importance of Dryden's An Essay on Dramatic Poetry.


Why does Dryden consider English drama superior to French drama?

4. The preface to Shakespeare "is a classic of literary criticism." Justify and illustrate.


Consider Johnson's contribution to Shakespearean criticism.


5. What are the Wordsworth's views on poetic diction?How far, in your opinion are they tenable?


Discuss Wordsworth's assertion that "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotions recollected in tranquility."
6. Give a brief account of Coleridge's theory of poetry,clearly bringing out his views on the nature and function of poetry.


Compare and contrast the views of Wordsworth and Coleridge on the theme and language of poetry.


7. Give an account of Arnold's touchstone method of determining excellence in poetry. Do you think
it is really effective?


"Poetry is the criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty." Justify.

8. What according to Eliot, is the relation between tradition and individual talent?


"Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.It is not the expression of personality but an escape of personality." Comment.


9. Showalter in her essay "Feminist Criticism in Wilderness" suggests various models which are touchstones in themselves. Justify.


Summarize critically, Showalter's essay "Feminist Criticism in Wilderness".

10. Evaluate critically Derrida's views as expressed in "structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences."


Discuss the important tenents of Derrida's theory as expressed in the essay "structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences".

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