Thursday, April 17, 2014

Manipal University: Problem Solving Using Computers B.E CSE (Code: 101/102) 2010 Question Paper

While Manipal University admission is currently going on, the already enrolled students in Manipal will often search for model, old, sample, previous years question papers for various courses. Here, we've provided you a previous year (2010) question paper for the subject of Problem Solving Using Computers. It's for B.E Computer Science and Engineering under Manipal University. Read on to get it and make the best use of it for your upcoming exams.

(Constituent Institute of Manipal University)   


1. Answer any 5 full Questions 
2. Answer to the point . 
3. Missing data may be assumed suitably. 
4. Answer the questions in the order of question number.

1A. List and explain the various types of ROM memory.  [3 Marks]

1B. Explain the different symbols used in flowcharts [2 Marks]

1C. Describe the various basic data types of C++. [2 Marks]

1D. Define a variable. What rules are to be followed while naming variables. [3 Marks]

2A. In what order the operations in the following expression is carried out. Give all steps and final result also.                                                              [3 Marks]

2B. The straight line method of computing the yearly depreciation of the value of  an item is given by
 D=(PurchasePrice - SalvageValue) /Years of Service.
Write a program to compute depreciation when PurchasePrice, SalvageValue and  Years of Service are given.                [3 Marks]

2C. Give the general format of else if ladder and switch statement along with its flowchart. [4 Marks]

3A. Write a program to
 (i) Accept the elements into a matrix A of order m x n and elements into a matrix B of order p x q
 (ii) Display the matrices A and B in matrix form
 (iii) Multiply the elements of the two matrices A and B and store it in matrix C and display the resultant matrix C in matrix form  [1+1+3= 5 Marks]

3.B. Write a C++ program to evaluate the following series up to n specified terms
 x - x
3 /3! + x5 /5! - x7 /7! + ………………..n terms          [5 Marks]

4A. Explain with syntax the built in string handling functions for performing the following operations.
(i) Determining the length of the string
(ii) Concatenating two strings.  [4 Marks]

4B. Write a C++ program to accept elements into a 1D array and sort the elements in descending order using bubble sort technique and display the same.  [4 Marks]

4.C. Differentiate between entry controlled and exit controlled loops with examples.  [2 Marks]

5a) Declare a structure book containing the following members: authorname, pages and price. Using book declare an array to store information about 3 books. Write a C++ program that will accept information for 3 books and display the same. [3 Marks]

5b)Write a function to read elements into an array.
Write a function which takes as arguments the array name and size of the array and returns the average of all the elements of the array.
Use these two functions in the main appropriately to read and find the average.
Display the array elements and the average in the main program. [4 Marks]

5c) Which of the bitwise operator retains its original value when it is applied on two operands having same value. Explain with example. [2 Marks]

5d) List all the storage class of variables [1 Mark]

6a) Create a class called car with member variables colour, cost, year_of_manufacture . Add member functions getdetails and display. getdetails is defined within the class, which takes all the information from the user. Another member function display is defined outside the class which displays all the information. Write a program to create an object of the class and invoke these functions in appropriate order.  [4 Marks]

6b) Explain the difference between the macros and functions [2 Marks]

6c) Find the output of the following
 int a[] = {1,2,9,8,6,3,5,7,8,9};
 int *p= a+1; int *q= a+6;
 cout<< q-p <<*p+*q;}                [2 Marks]

6d) What are local and global variables.        [2 Marks]

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