Thursday, April 17, 2014

Operating System, BCA Computer Application, Manipal University, 2010 Question Paper

This question paper titled Operating System is for BCA Degree Examination (Computer Application). Manipal University has asked this question paper in the previous year 2010 BCA examination.

Manipal University
Subject Name: Operating System
Credits: 4                                              Marks: 140

Part A (One mark questions)

1. Which of the followings are the Basic architectures for multiprocessor interconnections?
a. Bus-Oriented systems
b. Crossbar-connected systems
c. both a and b
d. Uniform memory access (UMA)

2. Spooling is an acronym for __________________
a. Simultaneous Peripheral Operating system On Line
b. Similar Peripheral Operation On Line
c. Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line.
d. Simultaneous Project Operating system On Line

3. Multiprogramming increases_____________________by organizing jobs
a. memory utilization
b. CPU utilization
c. H/W utilization
d. both a and b

4. CPU scheduling and multi-programming provide each user_____________ in a time-shared system.
a. multiple time slice
b. multiple jobs
c. multiple opening
d. one time slice (slot)

5. The PCB contains information that makes the process_______________ entity
a. dynamic
b. passive active
d. static
6. The ready queue is nothing but a list of ______________ implemented as a linked list
a. processor
b. Processes
c. PCBs
d. Both a and b

7. The operating system scheduler schedules processes from the______________ for execution by the CPU
a. ready queue
b. Waiting queue
c. running queue
d. Both a and b

8. CPU switching from one process to another requires saving the state of the current process and loading the latest state of the next process, is known as__________________.
a. Context Switch
b. packet switch
c. process switch
d. processor switch

9. The short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) carries out the _________________.
a. selection process
b. termination process
c. starter process
d. execution process

10. Module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler is known as ____________________.
a. dispatcher
b. scheduler
C. manager
d. Connector

11. Number of processes completed per time unit is called____________________.
a. throughput.
b. CPU utilization
c. Turnaround time
d. Response time

12. The FCFS algorithm is implemented by using a _________________queue structure for the ready queue.
a. first-in-first-out (FIFO)

13. If process pi is executing in its critical-section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical-sections. Technique is called_____________________.
a. Mutual Exclusion
b. Bounded Waiting
c. Progress
d. both a and b

14. An algorithm developed for solving the critical-section problem for n processes is also called ________________________.
a. Scheduling algorithm
b. Bakery algorithm,
C. queuing algorithm
d. Both a and b

15. Semaphores are the classic method for _________________to shared resources (e.g. storage) in a multi-processing environment
a. restricting access
b. Allowing access
c. check
d. both b and c

16. A _____________________is a collection of procedures, variables and data structures grouped together
a. monitor
b. Semaphores
c. detector
d. both a and b

17. The situation where we have a set of processes each holding some resources, each requesting some resources, and none of them is able to obtain what it needs. Such situation is called__________________.
a. Deadlock
b. reusable
c. Mutual exclusion
D. both b and c

18. Dead-lock avoidance scheme requires the operating system to know ____________, the resources needed by a process for its entire lifetime.
a. in advance
b. Everything
c. processor requirements
d. a and b both

19. Prevention of deadlock is possible by ensuring that at least one of the four conditions_________________ hold.
a. Must
b. Cannot
c. may or may not
d. reverse to

20. A system is said to be in a safe state if it can allocate resources up to the ________________ and is not in a state of deadlock
a. maximum available
b. lowest level
c. moderate level
d. both b and c

21. An address generated by the CPU is referred to as a __________________.
a. logical address
b. physical address
c. variable address
d. both a and b

22. If binding is done at load time then swap in has to be at the ________________ as before
a. variable address
b. different location
c. same location
d. both b and c

23. A situation where the total size of hole is divided into a set of smaller holes is large enough to hold another process for execution but the process cannot be loaded, as the hole is not contiguous. This is known as ____________________.
a. external fragmentation
b. Internal fragmentation
C. both a and b
d. reallocation

24. Physical memory is divided into fixed sized blocks called __________________.
a. frames
b. blocks
c .box
d. both a and c

25. Demand paging is similar to paging with ____________________.
a. swapping
b. debugger
c. secondary memory
d. both a and b

26. In first-in-first-out page replacement algorithm when a page replacement is required the ____________________in memory is the victim.
a. dead page
b. Recent page
c. oldest page
d. Both a and b

27. An optimal page replacement algorithm produces the __________________rate of all algorithms
a. lowest page fault
b. Highest page fault
c. both a and b
d. fragmentation

28. Which of the following storage media user can use for storage?
a. magnetic disks
b. tapes
c. optical disks
d .all above

29. The extension which is separated by dot, is the part of a file name that identifies the _______________of the file.
a. storage
b. Size
c. type
d. Both b and c

30. Which of the following extension we have for C source code file?
a. .c
b. .cob
c. .txt
d. both a and b

31. Distributed applications mean different programs on ______________________.
a. different computers.
b .same computers
c. single computer
d. both a and b

32. In vertical or hierarchical distribution, functionality is distributed among various ______________________.
a. directions
b. Levels
c hierarchy
d. Both a and b

33. In centralized data, data resides only at _________________that can be accessed or shared by all other computers in the network
a. one central computer
b. Distributed computers
c. lower level
d. both a and b

34. Network Operating System (NOSs) are available on __________________.
a. MANs
b. WANs
c. LANs
d. both a and b

35. Deliberately written program or part of it intended to create mischief is called as ___________________.
a. Computer worm
b. application program
c. computer virus
d. both c and b

36. Which of the followings are the types of virus?
a. Memory resident infectors
b. General purpose infectors
c. both a and b
d. None of above

37. Worm is a complete program by itself and can execute __________________.
a. Independently
b. With other program
c. Both a and b
d. with help of boot program

38. SIMD stands for __________________________.
a. Single Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream
b. Single Instruction Stream, mutual Data Stream
c. simple instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream
d .Single Instruction solution, mutual Data Stream

39. IPC stands for________________________________.
a. intellectual process community
b. Inter-personal communication
c. Inter-processor communication
d. Inter-personal community

40. The nature of multiprocessor interconnections has an affect on the _____________for communication
a. bandwidth
b. Frequency
c. Range
d. both a and b

Part B (Two mark questions)

41. BIOS (Basic Input Output system) which is stored in _______________where as DOS (Disk Operating System) is stored in a ___________________.
b. ROM (Read Only Memory), floppy disk or a hard disk
c. EEPROM, floppy disk

42. These systems are also called____________ systems because the processors share the_____________________.
a. tightly coupled, memory or a clock
b. Loosely coupled, memory or a clock
c. tightly coupled, hardware
d. tightly coupled, software

43. State true /false
When a process creates a new process, two possibilities exit in terms of execution
A. The parent continues to execute concurrently with its children
B. The parent waits until some or all of its children have terminated
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-F
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-T

44. A process terminates when it finishes executing its ______________and asks the operating system to delete it by using the __________________.
a. First statement, delete command
b. First statement, exit system call
c. last statement , exit system call
d. last statement, delete command

45. State true/ false
Scheduling under one of the following condition is said to be non-preemptive:
A. switches from running state to waiting (an I/O request).
B. switches from waiting to ready state (completion of an I/O).
a. A-T, B-F
b. A-T, B-T
c. A-F, B-F
d. A-F, B-T

46. The round-robin CPU scheduling algorithm is basically a ___________scheduling algorithm designed for _________________ systems.
a. non-preemptive, time-sharing
b. non-preemptive, multi- processor
c. preemptive, resource-sharing
d. preemptive , time-sharing

47. In the direct-communication discipline, each process that wants to communicate must __________________name the________________of the communication
a. explicitly , recipient or sender
b. implicitly, recipient or sender
c. explicitly , recipient and sender
d. implicitly, recipient and sender

48. A mailbox can be viewed abstractly as an object into which messages can be placed by _________________ and from which messages can be _________________.
a. Scheduler, attached
b. processes, attached
c. processes, removed.
d. Scheduler, removed.

49. State true/false
In case a deadlock occurs the system must-
A. Detect the deadlock
B. Recover from the deadlock
C. back up for all storage
a. A-T, B-T,C-T
b. A-T, B-F,C-T
c. A-T, B-T,C-F
d. A-F, B-T,C-T

50. State true/false
Safe State
A. A safe state is not a deadlock state
B. If a system is in a safe state it can stay away from an unsafe state and thus avoid deadlock.
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

51. State true/false
For external fragmentation.
A. Memory compaction is a solution to overcome external fragmentation.
B. if segments even though variable are small, external fragmentation is also less.
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

52. A logical address generated by the CPU consists of two parts: ______________and _________________.
a. page address, page offset
b. page address, page value
c. page offset, default page
d. Page number, page offset

53. State true/false
Demand paging uses two important algorithms
A. Page replacement algorithm.
B. Frame allocation algorithm
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

54. The main distinction between FIFO and optimal algorithm is that the FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was brought into ___________ whereas the optimal algorithm uses the time when a page is to be used in ___________________.
a. Memory, future
b. secondary memory, future
c. address space, past
d. secondary memory, past

55. When a file is created or a file grows requests for blocks of disk space are checked in the_______________ list and then __________________.
a. free-space, allocated
b. first , allocated
c. first , reallocated
d. Free-space, allocated

56. Hash function is the main problem that is dependent on the ___________ and the solution to the problem is to allow for chained overflow with each hash entry being a _____________.
a. records, linked list
b. hash table, linear list
c. hash table size, linear list
d .hash table size, linked list

57. Network Management Software It maintains a list of ____________along with its location and __________________.
a. hardware equipment , status.
b. interrupt, status
c. interrupt, timings
d. Hardware equipment, timings

58. State true/false
Encryption in a distributed environment can be of two forms :
A-End-to-end encryption
B-point-to-point encryption
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

59. Digital signature is like a _______________ on paper. If a signed letter is sent by A to B, A cannot deny having sent it to B and B _____________ having got it
a .human signature, cannot refuse
b. computer signature, can refuse
c. human signature, can refuse
d. Computer signature, cannot refuse

60. The crossbar switch is the only cause of delay between _____________ and _____________.
a. Primary memory, secondary memory
b. Processor, memory.
c. flash memory, cache memory
d. Input, output

Part C (Four mark questions)

61. Match the followings:
Part A
1). Hydra
2). IBM 370
3).THE operating system
Part B
A. Example of virtual machine
B. Example of kernel.
C. Example of layered approach.
a. 1. C, 2. A, 3. B
b. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c. 1. A, 2. C, 3. B
d. 1. B, 2.A, 3. C

62. State whether the following statement is true or false for Kernel Based Approach.
1) A kernel is a fundamental set of primitives that allows the dynamic creation and control of processes, as well as communication among them.
2). An operating system is an orderly growth of software over the kernel.
3). Including too much functionality in a kernel results in low flexibility at a higher level.
a. 1. True, 2. True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2. False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2. False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2. True, 3. False

63. State whether the following statement is true or false for Schedulers
1). The long-term scheduler and short-term scheduler differ in the frequency of their execution.
2). A good selection of jobs by the long-term scheduler will give a good mix of both CPU bound and I/O bound processes.
3). A long-term scheduler executes very frequently since new processes are not created at the same pace at which processes need to be executed.
a. False, 2. True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

64. State whether the following statement is true or false for Shortest-Job-First Scheduling.
1). The SJF algorithm produces the most optimal scheduling scheme.
2). The main disadvantage with the SJF algorithm lies in knowing the length of the next CPU burst.
3). SJF algorithm could be only preemptive
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

65. State whether the following statement is true or false for Semaphores
1) Semaphores are not provided by hardware
2) A semaphore is a protected variable
3) They were invented by Dijkstra and first used in T.H.E operating system
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

66. State whether the following statement is true or false for Recovery from Deadlock
1) Detection algorithm has to be invoked after terminating every process.
2) Rollback the process to a safe state to restart later
3) One or more processes involved in deadlock could be terminated to break the deadlock
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

67. Match the followings:
Part A
1).Allocate the largest hole available
2).Allocate the first hole that is big enough to hold the process
3). Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough to hold the process
Part B
A. First-fit
B. Best-fit
C. Worst-fit
a. 1. C, 2.A, 3. B
b. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c. 1. A, 2.C, 3. B
d. 1.B, 2.A, 3. C

68. state whether the following statement is true or false for LRU Page Replacement
1).LRU page replacement algorithm does not suffer from Beladys anomaly
2). The LRU page replacement algorithm with 12 page faults is worst than the FIFO algorithm with 15 faults
3). According to the LRU page replacement algorithm the least recently used page is the page with the smallest value in the variable associated with the clock.
a. 1. True, 2.False, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.False, 2.True, 3. True

69. State whether the following statement is true or false for Direct Access
1) Direct access is based on the disk that is a direct access device
2) Not all operating systems support direct access files.
3) Direct access of a sequential file is very much possible.
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

70. State whether the following statement is true or false for Remote Procedure Call.
1) RPC can be considered as a special case of a generalized remote message-passing scheme
2) It interfaces with processes running on the nodes using primitives like SEND and RECEIVE
3) In RPC call by reference is very difficult because it is difficult to let processors on different machines to share a common address space
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. True
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

71. State whether the following statement is true or false for Distribution of Data
1) Data could be distributed in a partitioned way.
2) In a distributed environment, part of the master database could be centralized and the rest distributed among the connecting computers.
3) Data can also be distributed similar to distribution of programs
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1 .False, 2. True, 3. True

72. State whether the following statement is true or false for Security Design Principles
1) A security system should be a top most secret
2) A simple uniform security system built in layers, as an integral part of the system is preferred
3. Users should not have to spend a lot of effort to learn how to protect their files
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.false, 2.True, 3. True

73. Match the followings:
Part A
1). Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream
2). Multiple Instruction Streams, Multiple Data Stream
3).Multiple Instruction Streams, Single Data Stream
Part B
a.. 1. C, 2.A, 3. B
b.. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c.. 1. A, 2.C, 3. B
d.. 1.B, 2.A, 3. C

74. State whether the following statement is true or false for Bus-Oriented systems
1) Shared bus organization usually supports only 2 processors
2) The bus and the memory being shared resources there is always a possibility of contention
3) Processors communicate with each other and the shared memory through the shared bus
a.. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c.. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.false, 2.True, 3. True

75. Suppose process P sends a message to process Q and can continue its execution only after the message is received. Process P executes the sequence. Find out the missing sequence
send (Q, message)
Process Q executes
receive (P, message)
a. receive (P, message) send (P, "acknowledgment")
b. receive (Q, message) send (P, "acknowledgment")
c. receive (Q, message) send Q, "acknowledgment")
d. receive (P, message) send (Q, "acknowledgment")Subject Name: Operating System

Credits: 4 Marks: 140

Part A (One mark questions)

1. Which of the followings are the Basic architectures for multiprocessor interconnections?
a. Bus-Oriented systems
b. Crossbar-connected systems
c. both a and b
d. Uniform memory access (UMA)

2. Spooling is an acronym for __________________
a. Simultaneous Peripheral Operating system On Line
b. Similar Peripheral Operation On Line
c. Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line.
d. Simultaneous Project Operating system On Line

3. Multiprogramming increases_____________________by organizing jobs
a. memory utilization
b. CPU utilization
c. H/W utilization
d. both a and b

4. CPU scheduling and multi-programming provide each user_____________ in a time-shared system.
a. multiple time slice
b. multiple jobs
c. multiple opening
d. one time slice (slot)

5. The PCB contains information that makes the process_______________ entity
a. dynamic
b. passive active
d. static

6. The ready queue is nothing but a list of ______________ implemented as a linked list
a. processor
b. Processes
c. PCBs
d. Both a and b

7. The operating system scheduler schedules processes from the______________ for execution by the CPU
a. ready queue
b. Waiting queue
c. running queue
d. Both a and b

8. CPU switching from one process to another requires saving the state of the current process and loading the latest state of the next process, is known as__________________.
a. Context Switch
b. packet switch
c. process switch
d. processor switch

9. The short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) carries out the _________________.
a. selection process
b. termination process
c. starter process
d. execution process

10. Module that gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler is known as ____________________.
a. dispatcher
b. scheduler
C. manager
d. Connector

11. Number of processes completed per time unit is called____________________.
a. throughput.
b. CPU utilization
c. Turnaround time
d. Response time

12. The FCFS algorithm is implemented by using a _________________queue structure for the ready queue.
a. first-in-first-out (FIFO)

13. If process pi is executing in its critical-section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical-sections. Technique is called_____________________.
a. Mutual Exclusion
b. Bounded Waiting
c. Progress
d. both a and b

14. An algorithm developed for solving the critical-section problem for n processes is also called ________________________.
a. Scheduling algorithm
b. Bakery algorithm,
C. queuing algorithm
d. Both a and b

15. Semaphores are the classic method for _________________to shared resources (e.g. storage) in a multi-processing environment
a. restricting access
b. Allowing access
c. check
d. both b and c

16. A _____________________is a collection of procedures, variables and data structures grouped together
a. monitor
b. Semaphores
c. detector
d. both a and b

17. The situation where we have a set of processes each holding some resources, each requesting some resources, and none of them is able to obtain what it needs. Such situation is called__________________.
a. Deadlock
b. reusable
c. Mutual exclusion
D. both b and c

18. Dead-lock avoidance scheme requires the operating system to know ____________, the resources needed by a process for its entire lifetime.
a. in advance
b. Everything
c. processor requirements
d. a and b both

19. Prevention of deadlock is possible by ensuring that at least one of the four conditions_________________ hold.
a. Must
b. Cannot
c. may or may not
d. reverse to

20. A system is said to be in a safe state if it can allocate resources up to the ________________ and is not in a state of deadlock
a. maximum available
b. lowest level
c. moderate level
d. both b and c

21. An address generated by the CPU is referred to as a __________________.
a. logical address
b. physical address
c. variable address
d. both a and b

22. If binding is done at load time then swap in has to be at the ________________ as before
a. variable address
b. different location
c. same location
d. both b and c

23. A situation where the total size of hole is divided into a set of smaller holes is large enough to hold another process for execution but the process cannot be loaded, as the hole is not contiguous. This is known as ____________________.
a. external fragmentation
b. Internal fragmentation
C. both a and b
d. reallocation

24. Physical memory is divided into fixed sized blocks called __________________.
a. frames
b. blocks
c .box
d. both a and c

25. Demand paging is similar to paging with ____________________.
a. swapping
b. debugger
c. secondary memory
d. both a and b

26. In first-in-first-out page replacement algorithm when a page replacement is required the ____________________in memory is the victim.
a. dead page
b. Recent page
c. oldest page
d. Both a and b

27. An optimal page replacement algorithm produces the __________________rate of all algorithms
a. lowest page fault
b. Highest page fault
c. both a and b
d. fragmentation

28. Which of the following storage media user can use for storage?
a. magnetic disks
b. tapes
c. optical disks
d .all above

29. The extension which is separated by dot, is the part of a file name that identifies the _______________of the file.
a. storage
b. Size
c. type
d. Both b and c

30. Which of the following extension we have for C source code file?
a. .c
b. .cob
c. .txt
d. both a and b

31. Distributed applications mean different programs on ______________________.
a. different computers.
b .same computers
c. single computer
d. both a and b

32. In vertical or hierarchical distribution, functionality is distributed among various ______________________.
a. directions
b. Levels
c hierarchy
d. Both a and b

33. In centralized data, data resides only at _________________that can be accessed or shared by all other computers in the network
a. one central computer
b. Distributed computers
c. lower level
d. both a and b

34. Network Operating System (NOSs) are available on __________________.
a. MANs
b. WANs
c. LANs
d. both a and b

35. Deliberately written program or part of it intended to create mischief is called as ___________________.
a. Computer worm
b. application program
c. computer virus
d. both c and b

36. Which of the followings are the types of virus?
a. Memory resident infectors
b. General purpose infectors
c. both a and b
d. None of above

37. Worm is a complete program by itself and can execute __________________.
a. Independently
b. With other program
c. Both a and b
d. with help of boot program

38. SIMD stands for __________________________.
a. Single Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream
b. Single Instruction Stream, mutual Data Stream
c. simple instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream
d .Single Instruction solution, mutual Data Stream

39. IPC stands for________________________________.
a. intellectual process community
b. Inter-personal communication
c. Inter-processor communication
d. Inter-personal community

40. The nature of multiprocessor interconnections has an affect on the _____________for communication
a. bandwidth
b. Frequency
c. Range
d. both a and b

Part B (Two mark questions)

41. BIOS (Basic Input Output system) which is stored in _______________where as DOS (Disk Operating System) is stored in a ___________________.
b. ROM (Read Only Memory), floppy disk or a hard disk
c. EEPROM, floppy disk

42. These systems are also called____________ systems because the processors share the_____________________.
a. tightly coupled, memory or a clock
b. Loosely coupled, memory or a clock
c. tightly coupled, hardware
d. tightly coupled, software

43. State true /false
When a process creates a new process, two possibilities exit in terms of execution
A. The parent continues to execute concurrently with its children
B. The parent waits until some or all of its children have terminated
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-F
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-T

44. A process terminates when it finishes executing its ______________and asks the operating system to delete it by using the __________________.
a. First statement, delete command
b. First statement, exit system call
c. last statement , exit system call
d. last statement, delete command

45. State true/ false
Scheduling under one of the following condition is said to be non-preemptive:
A. switches from running state to waiting (an I/O request).
B. switches from waiting to ready state (completion of an I/O).
a. A-T, B-F
b. A-T, B-T
c. A-F, B-F
d. A-F, B-T

46. The round-robin CPU scheduling algorithm is basically a ___________scheduling algorithm designed for _________________ systems.
a. non-preemptive, time-sharing
b. non-preemptive, multi- processor
c. preemptive, resource-sharing
d. preemptive , time-sharing

47. In the direct-communication discipline, each process that wants to communicate must __________________name the________________of the communication
a. explicitly , recipient or sender
b. implicitly, recipient or sender
c. explicitly , recipient and sender
d. implicitly, recipient and sender

48. A mailbox can be viewed abstractly as an object into which messages can be placed by _________________ and from which messages can be _________________.
a. Scheduler, attached
b. processes, attached
c. processes, removed.
d. Scheduler, removed.

49. State true/false
In case a deadlock occurs the system must-
A. Detect the deadlock
B. Recover from the deadlock
C. back up for all storage
a. A-T, B-T,C-T
b. A-T, B-F,C-T
c. A-T, B-T,C-F
d. A-F, B-T,C-T

50. State true/false
Safe State
A. A safe state is not a deadlock state
B. If a system is in a safe state it can stay away from an unsafe state and thus avoid deadlock.
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

51. State true/false
For external fragmentation.
A. Memory compaction is a solution to overcome external fragmentation.
B. if segments even though variable are small, external fragmentation is also less.
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

52. A logical address generated by the CPU consists of two parts: ______________and _________________.
a. page address, page offset
b. page address, page value
c. page offset, default page
d. Page number, page offset

53. State true/false
Demand paging uses two important algorithms
A. Page replacement algorithm.
B. Frame allocation algorithm
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

54. The main distinction between FIFO and optimal algorithm is that the FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was brought into ___________ whereas the optimal algorithm uses the time when a page is to be used in ___________________.
a. Memory, future
b. secondary memory, future
c. address space, past
d. secondary memory, past

55. When a file is created or a file grows requests for blocks of disk space are checked in the_______________ list and then __________________.
a. free-space, allocated
b. first , allocated
c. first , reallocated
d. Free-space, allocated

56. Hash function is the main problem that is dependent on the ___________ and the solution to the problem is to allow for chained overflow with each hash entry being a _____________.
a. records, linked list
b. hash table, linear list
c. hash table size, linear list
d .hash table size, linked list

57. Network Management Software It maintains a list of ____________along with its location and __________________.
a. hardware equipment , status.
b. interrupt, status
c. interrupt, timings
d. Hardware equipment, timings

58. State true/false
Encryption in a distributed environment can be of two forms :
A-End-to-end encryption
B-point-to-point encryption
a. A-T, B-T
b. A-F, B-T
c. A-T, B-F
d. A-F, B-F

59. Digital signature is like a _______________ on paper. If a signed letter is sent by A to B, A cannot deny having sent it to B and B _____________ having got it
a .human signature, cannot refuse
b. computer signature, can refuse
c. human signature, can refuse
d. Computer signature, cannot refuse

60. The crossbar switch is the only cause of delay between _____________ and _____________.
a. Primary memory, secondary memory
b. Processor, memory.
c. flash memory, cache memory
d. Input, output

Part C (Four mark questions)

61. Match the followings:
Part A
1). Hydra
2). IBM 370
3).THE operating system
Part B
A. Example of virtual machine
B. Example of kernel.
C. Example of layered approach.
a. 1. C, 2. A, 3. B
b. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c. 1. A, 2. C, 3. B
d. 1. B, 2.A, 3. C

62. State whether the following statement is true or false for Kernel Based Approach.
1) A kernel is a fundamental set of primitives that allows the dynamic creation and control of processes, as well as communication among them.
2). An operating system is an orderly growth of software over the kernel.
3). Including too much functionality in a kernel results in low flexibility at a higher level.
a. 1. True, 2. True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2. False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2. False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2. True, 3. False

63. State whether the following statement is true or false for Schedulers
1). The long-term scheduler and short-term scheduler differ in the frequency of their execution.
2). A good selection of jobs by the long-term scheduler will give a good mix of both CPU bound and I/O bound processes.
3). A long-term scheduler executes very frequently since new processes are not created at the same pace at which processes need to be executed.
a. False, 2. True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

64. State whether the following statement is true or false for Shortest-Job-First Scheduling.
1). The SJF algorithm produces the most optimal scheduling scheme.
2). The main disadvantage with the SJF algorithm lies in knowing the length of the next CPU burst.
3). SJF algorithm could be only preemptive
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

65. State whether the following statement is true or false for Semaphores
1) Semaphores are not provided by hardware
2) A semaphore is a protected variable
3) They were invented by Dijkstra and first used in T.H.E operating system
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

66. State whether the following statement is true or false for Recovery from Deadlock
1) Detection algorithm has to be invoked after terminating every process.
2) Rollback the process to a safe state to restart later
3) One or more processes involved in deadlock could be terminated to break the deadlock
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

67. Match the followings:
Part A
1).Allocate the largest hole available
2).Allocate the first hole that is big enough to hold the process
3). Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough to hold the process
Part B
A. First-fit
B. Best-fit
C. Worst-fit
a. 1. C, 2.A, 3. B
b. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c. 1. A, 2.C, 3. B
d. 1.B, 2.A, 3. C

68. state whether the following statement is true or false for LRU Page Replacement
1).LRU page replacement algorithm does not suffer from Beladys anomaly
2). The LRU page replacement algorithm with 12 page faults is worst than the FIFO algorithm with 15 faults
3). According to the LRU page replacement algorithm the least recently used page is the page with the smallest value in the variable associated with the clock.
a. 1. True, 2.False, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.False, 2.True, 3. True

69. State whether the following statement is true or false for Direct Access
1) Direct access is based on the disk that is a direct access device
2) Not all operating systems support direct access files.
3) Direct access of a sequential file is very much possible.
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

70. State whether the following statement is true or false for Remote Procedure Call.
1) RPC can be considered as a special case of a generalized remote message-passing scheme
2) It interfaces with processes running on the nodes using primitives like SEND and RECEIVE
3) In RPC call by reference is very difficult because it is difficult to let processors on different machines to share a common address space
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. True
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1. True, 2.True, 3. False

71. State whether the following statement is true or false for Distribution of Data
1) Data could be distributed in a partitioned way.
2) In a distributed environment, part of the master database could be centralized and the rest distributed among the connecting computers.
3) Data can also be distributed similar to distribution of programs
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1 .False, 2. True, 3. True

72. State whether the following statement is true or false for Security Design Principles
1) A security system should be a top most secret
2) A simple uniform security system built in layers, as an integral part of the system is preferred
3. Users should not have to spend a lot of effort to learn how to protect their files
a. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.false, 2.True, 3. True

73. Match the followings:
Part A
1). Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream
2). Multiple Instruction Streams, Multiple Data Stream
3).Multiple Instruction Streams, Single Data Stream
Part B
a.. 1. C, 2.A, 3. B
b.. 1.C, 2.B, 3. A
c.. 1. A, 2.C, 3. B
d.. 1.B, 2.A, 3. C

74. State whether the following statement is true or false for Bus-Oriented systems
1) Shared bus organization usually supports only 2 processors
2) The bus and the memory being shared resources there is always a possibility of contention
3) Processors communicate with each other and the shared memory through the shared bus
a.. 1. True, 2.True, 3. True
b. 1. True, 2.False, 3. False
c.. 1. False, 2.False, 3. False
d. 1.false, 2.True, 3. True

75. Suppose process P sends a message to process Q and can continue its execution only after the message is received. Process P executes the sequence. Find out the missing sequence
send (Q, message)
Process Q executes
receive (P, message)
a. receive (P, message) send (P, "acknowledgment")
b. receive (Q, message) send (P, "acknowledgment")
c. receive (Q, message) send Q, "acknowledgment")
d. receive (P, message) send (Q, "acknowledgment") 
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