University: Bangalore University
Course: BBM
Semester: 02
Subject: Organisational Behaviour
Year of Examination: 2012
Section A
Answer any 8 questions
a) Define organisation?
b) what is organisational behaviour?
c) what is meant by perception?
d) what do you understand by attitudes?
e)what is negative reinforcement?
f)what is self esteem?
g) what are group norms?
h) Define leadership?
i)what is change intervention?
j) who are change targets?
Section B
Answer any 3 questions
a)Briefly explain the role of organisation behaviour in an organisation?
b)How attitudes are formed ? Explain.
c)Explain briefly the various types of groups?
d)what is resistance to change?How to overcome the resistance?
Section C
Answer question A and any 3
A) what is leadership style? Explain the various types of leadership styles?
b)Discuss the factors influencing perceptual selection?
c)what is behaviour modification Explain the steps in o.b modification process?
d)Define personality? Explain its determinants?
e)Explain the steps involved in change process?
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