Saturday, April 26, 2014

University of Pune: B.Pharm, II Year Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 2010 Question Paper

Are you searching for previous years old, model or sample, university question papers. We have provided all university question papers in this blog. This post consists of a question paper from University of Pune for B.Pharm Degree Examination. If you are a student of Pune University, then read this question paper to get benefited. This question paper is of "Pharmaceutical Microbiology" that was originally asked in the year 2010 by the University of Pune.

University of Pune 2010 
Second Year, B. Pharmacy Examination, 2010
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (2004 Course)
Time : Three Hours 
Maximum Marks : 80
1) Q. No. one and five are compulsory. Out of the remaining, attempt two questions from part one and two questions from part II.
2) Answers to the 2 parts should be written in separate books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.

Part – I
1. Answer the subsequent :
a) State the cause for using cedar wood oil under 100X objective.

b) Describe :
i) Exotoxin ii) selective media
c) State the correlation ranging from capsule and virulence of bacteria
d) Enlist the media used in isolation of Staphylococcus aureus with reasons.
e) provide the importance of fungi.

2.  a) Define the compound microscope.
b) Discuss in detail 1 of the method of multiplication of a bacteriophage.

3. Answer he subsequent :
a) State the methods of enumeration of bacteria and define any 1 method.
b) Diagrammatically define the gram positive cell wall with example.
c) State the methods of preservation of microbial cultures.

4. Write short notes on (any three) :
a) Salmonella
b) Preservation of pharmaceutical products
c) Conjugation
d) Sporulation.

Part – II
5. Answer the subsequent :
a) Which tests are done for microbial limit test of starch ?
b) elaborate interferons ? provide their significance.
c) What is the action of cholera toxin ?
d) What is the importance of Aspergillus ?
e) Write action of ultra violet light on bacteria and their use in sterilization.

6.  a) define in brief general method of vaccine production.
b) What is complement ? define classical complement pathway.

7.  a) define various classes, action and uses of disinfectants.
b) Write on sterility test of pharmaceutical products.

8. Write short note on (any 3) :
a) Radiation sterilization
b) Vitamin B12 assay
c) Normal flora of human body
d) Kelsey – Syke's test.
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