Monday, April 21, 2014

B.A Degree in Education, KSOU, II Year, Psychology of Development and Learning 2010 Question Paper

Psychology of Development and Learning question paper for B.A Degree Examination from KSOU has been shown below. It is asked for 2 year B.A in Education for the year May/June 2010. Collect the question paper hereunder.

Question Paper: A 220
KSOU, Karanataka State Open University, Mysore
Second Year B.A. Examination, May/June 2010
D.E. (Revised SIM Scheme)
EDUCATION (Paper – II) (Optional)
Psychology of Development and Learning
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90

Instruction : Answer any three questions from Section – A, three questions from Section – B and three questions from Section – C.

Answer any three of the following questions in about 3 to 4 pages each.
1. Define ‘Educational Psychology’. Explain the nature, scope and educational implications of educational psychology.

2. Explain the meaning of ‘creativity’ with suitable examples. What measures would you adopt to nurture and nourish creativity among the students ?

3. Adolescence is a period of great ‘stress and strain’. Explain the statement with reference to physical, social, emotional and mental development of the adolescents.

4. What is ‘learning’ ? Explain the types of discovery learning and their classroom implications.

5. Distinguish between guidance and counselling. Bring out the importance of guidance in the education of children.

6. Mention the types of leadership. Why should we develop leadership qualities among students ? Explain the role of the teacher in this task.


7. Answer any three of the following in about 2 to 3 pages each :
a) What are the factors that influence development ?

b) Explain the meaning of ‘cognitive development’.

c) Discuss the importance of various stages of information processing.

d) Explain ‘case study’ method. Enumerate its ‘merits’ and ‘demerits’.

e) State the meaning of ‘individual differences’. Describe the causes of individual differences.

f) Briefly explain the meaning and importance of ‘transfer of learning’. Suggest measures to maximize positive transfer during teaching.


8. Answer any three of the following in about a page each :

a) Write any three differences between ‘growth’ and ‘development’.

b) Describe any two defence mechanisms with examples.

c) Explain the role of a teacher in building up balanced personality among children.

d) What is motivation ? Explain different types of motivation.

e) Differentiate between tension and frustration.

f) What is ‘sociometry’ ? How does sociometry help a teacher ?

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