Saturday, April 5, 2014

BNA-031 Ship Safety and Security, IGNOU B.Sc Nautical Science 2013

Want B.Sc Nautical Science BNA-031: Ship Safety and Security Question Paper? Here's available. It belongs to IGNOU, New Delhi. If you are studying under this university, this question paper will be useful for you. Get it all free from here.

University: IGNOU, New Delhi
Course: B.Sc Nautical Science
Subject: BNA-031 Ship Safety and Security

Term-End Examination June, 2013 
Time : 3 Hours                                               Maximum Marks : 70 

Note (i) All questions are compulsory. 

(ii) All questions carry equal marks. 

1. What routeing measures are prescribed by 'IMO' to improve safety at sea ?   10

2. Enumerate factors to be taken into consideration in determining the composition of the navigational watch.  10

3. Explain various terms used in 'Risk Analysis'. What are their relevance to the ships and seafarers ? 10

4. Explain in detail, how threat identification, recognition and response take place for the safety of vessel ? 10

5. Explain in detail, how to conduct survival craft drills ?  10

6. What precaution are taken when a person is working aloft ?  10

7. Explain in detail, how good housekeeping is a vital part of shipboard safety management ? 10
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