Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kerala university, Object Oriented Programming through C++, MCA October 2013 Question Papers

Are you a student of Kerala University ? Want M.C.A second semester question paper for the subject "Object Oriented Programming through C++" ? Here, provided is the original question paper of Object Oriented Programming through C++ asked in the year October 2013 by Kerala University.

Kerala university
Second semester
MCA degree examination October 2013
Object Oriented Programming through C++
Time : 3 hour
Maximum Marks: 100

Second Semester  MCA Degree Examination, October 2013 (2006 Admn.)
06.204: Object Oriented Programming through C++
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

Answer all questions. Each carries 4 marks. [10 x 4 = 40 Marks]

1. What are default function arguments? Give an example.

2. Explain the use of scope resolution operator with an example.

3. What are the memory management operators in c++? Give a comparison with its use in c.

4. What is an inline function? Explain four situations where inline functions do not work.

5. Explain the functions associated with positioning and moving file pointers?

6. What are the characteristics of constructor?

7. What is binding? Explain different types of binding.

8. What is virtual function? Give an example.

9. Explain the keyword associated with the exception handling.

10. What are friend functions? What is the advantage of using friend function?

Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries equal marks. [6 x 10 = 60 Marks]

Module I

11. (a) Discuss the features of OOP.
(b) Give a comparison between procedure oriented programming and object oriented programming.

12. (a) Write a function called neg() that reverses the sign of its integer parameter. Write the function in two ways – first by using a pointer program and then by using a reference parameter.
(b) Write a C++ program to sum the sequence
1 + 1 / 1 ! + 1 / 2 ! + 1 / 3 ! + …..

13. (a) Write a program to explain the use of dynamic constructors in a string class.
(b) Explain the use of void pointer with example.

Module II

14. Write a complete program to manage a super market use array of object concept. Include methods for stock update, purchase, bill preparation, product update.

15. (a) Write a program to perform matrix addition and multiplication using operator overloading concept.
(b) Write a program to maintain the following patient's data of a class as a linked list. Bed no. name, age and sex.

16. (a) Define a class called string. Use constructors and destructors to allocate memory dynamically for objects. Write a program to concatenate two String objects by overloading '+' operator.
(b) Let A and B are two classes, where 'a' is an object of A and 'b' is an object of B. If we want to represent a=b, what type of conversion routine should be used?

Module III

17. (a) Write a program to read a text file, to count the number of words, lines and vowels.
(b) Write a program to read a data file containing integer numbers and to count odd and even numbers.

18. (a)Explain run time and compile time polymorphism.
(b) Implementing an exception handling which represents stack full and stack empty condition for a class called stack.

19. (a) Define shape class and derive the following classes:

(b) What is virtual function? Give an example

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