Are you looking for Kerala University old, model or previous years question papers? We've provided you here a question paper "System Analysis and Design" for MCA Degree Examination. The exam was conducted in the year 2013 for a maximum marks of 100. The time allowed for this paper is 3 hours.
University: Kerala University
Course: MCA Degree Examination
Subject: System Analysis and Design
Exam year: April 2013
Regulation: 2006 admission
Semester: 3, Three, 3rd
Third Semester MCA Degree Examination, April 2013
(2006 Admission)
06.301: System Analysis and Design
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Answer all questions. Each carries 4 marks. [10 x 4 = 40 Marks]
1. Define data and information.
2. Write a short note on prototype method.
3. What is meant by Quality of service?
4. What is an interface?
5. Write short notes on system engineering.
6. What is information system?
7. What is meant by decision table?
8. Explain about software selection.
9. Explain about file organization.
10. Explain about project review and selection.
Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries equal marks. [6 x 10 = 60 Marks]
Module I
11. Describe any four scheduling algorithm.
12. Discuss file structure and directory scheduling.
13. Write brief notes on Windows, UNIX and Dos.
Module II
14. Explain components of operating system.
15. Discuss the role of operating system in a computer system.
16. Explain different classes of computer system.
Module III
17. What are the features to be considered in the design of an information system?
18. What is requirement determination? What are its activities?
19. Discuss in detail how to present information.
University: Kerala University
Course: MCA Degree Examination
Subject: System Analysis and Design
Exam year: April 2013
Regulation: 2006 admission
Semester: 3, Three, 3rd
Third Semester MCA Degree Examination, April 2013
(2006 Admission)
06.301: System Analysis and Design
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Answer all questions. Each carries 4 marks. [10 x 4 = 40 Marks]
1. Define data and information.
2. Write a short note on prototype method.
3. What is meant by Quality of service?
4. What is an interface?
5. Write short notes on system engineering.
6. What is information system?
7. What is meant by decision table?
8. Explain about software selection.
9. Explain about file organization.
10. Explain about project review and selection.
Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries equal marks. [6 x 10 = 60 Marks]
Module I
11. Describe any four scheduling algorithm.
12. Discuss file structure and directory scheduling.
13. Write brief notes on Windows, UNIX and Dos.
Module II
14. Explain components of operating system.
15. Discuss the role of operating system in a computer system.
16. Explain different classes of computer system.
Module III
17. What are the features to be considered in the design of an information system?
18. What is requirement determination? What are its activities?
19. Discuss in detail how to present information.
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