Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sardar Patel University: U01CBBAOS-Accounting for Management BBA November 2013 Question Paper

Are you looking for old question paper of U01CBBAOS-Accounting for Management? Following is such paper asked in the Nov 2013 from Sardar Patel University. Accounting for Management is included for BBA course in this university. Collect the contents of that question paper right from hereunder.

BBA (I Sem.) Examination, 2013
Wednesday, 20th November
2.30 - 4.30 pm
U01 CBBAOS-Accounting for Management
Note: 1. Figures to the right indicate marks.
2. Show all necessary workings.
Total Marks: 60

1. (A) Define 'Accounting' and state its objectives.
    (B) Distinguish between:
            1. Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure
            2. Reserves and Provisions


1. (A) Explain in brief the following with appropriate examples: [08]
         1. Loss 2. Goods 3. Drawing 4. Debtors
    (B) Give classification of accounts and also state the rules of debit and credit. [07]

2. (A) Explain in brief any two accounting concepts for Balance Sheet. [07]
    (B) Enlist International Financial Reporting Standards. [08]


2. (A) Write short note on: General Accounting Principles. [07]
    (R) Briefly describe any two accounting concepts for Profit and Loss Account. [08]

3. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Smt. Shardadevi for the month of November, 2013:  [15]

Nov-1 She started business with cash Rs.30000.
Nov-3 Bought goods of Rs.1 0000 at 10% Trade Discount from Mr. B.
Nov-5 Mr. B paid Rs.5400 on account.
Nov-7 Invoiced goods worth Rs.5000 to Mr. C for Rs.4500 for cash and opened a bank account with that amount.
Nov-9 Purchased a computer for Rs.35000 from Mr. D.
Nov-12 Sold goods Rs.2000 at 10% cash discount.
Nov-14 Dispatched goods of Rs.2400 purchAsed from Mr. 8 to Mr. Eat a profit of 12.5%.
Nov-18 Mr. E returned goods of Rs.360 which we returned to Mr. B.
Nov-24 Received Rs.1400 by crossed cheque from Mr. E.
Nov-31 Paid Rs.1 000 for rent and received by cheque for commission Rs.5000.

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