Adikavi Nannaya University - Previous, Model, Old and Latest Question Papers - MCA Question Papers
Are you looking for Adikavi Nannaya University old sample or model question papers of MCA Degree Examination? Hereunder is a paper called "Internet Programming" conducted in the year May 2012. This question paper exam is for MCA distance education students pursuing MCA 3 year course under Adikavi Nannaya University. Read the complete question paper hereunder.
Distance Education
M.C.A. (Non-Semester) Degree Examination, May 2012.
(2001 onwards)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks. (5 × 20 = 100)
1. (a) Differentiate Internet and Intranet. Explain its services.
(b) Explain the features of CGI.
2. (a) What is Java applet? Explain in detail with an example.
(b) Write a JavaScript to accept the details for students’ record and to perform proper validation.
3. (a) Discuss in detail the features of VBScript.
(b) Discuss the history of Internet.
4. (a) Discuss the software and protocols needed to design a web page.
(b) What is Internet Explorer? Explain it and its application.
5. (a) Write short notes on :
(i) Shokwave (5)
(ii) Lingo. (5)
(b) Write short notes on any one Internet Markup Language. (10)
6. Explain with suitable example the procedure of creating a custom Integrated Application with multiple protocols.
7. (a) Explain the method of creating and implementing the web design.
(b) Explain the method of adding navigation bars to the web pages.
8. (a) Explain the web animation in detail.
(b) Discuss the method of registering domain name for a web site.
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