B.E/B.Tech Degree Examinations May / June 2011
Regulations 2008
Fifth Semester - EEE
EE52 Electrical Machines - II
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
Answer all Questions
1. What are the effects of Armature reactor?
2. State the condition for parallel operations of Alternator.
3. List any two characteristic features of synchronous motor.
4. What is the synchronous condenser?
5. Why is the Induction motor always runs with the speed less than the synchronous speed?
6. Define slip.
7. What is the need for starters in Induction motor?
8. What are the speed control techniques applicable to squirrel cage induction motor?
9. Define double field revolving theory.
10. Write down any two applications of single phase induction motors
Part-B (5 x 16 = 80)
11. a) i. Derive the emf equation of Alternator. (8)
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