Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How to write a letter for enquiry and quotation: sample letter formats

What is enquiry letter and know its purpose

A letter of 'enquiry' is written to seek information from other organisation. It may deal with a simple matter such as the availability of a book with a publisher or with a matter of wider dimensions such as the rates of supply for a large number of goods. Each enquiry letter should be drafted keeping the following points in view:

  • Indicate the nature of enquiry at the beginning
  • State reasons for the enquiry
  • Clearly state what information you are seeking
  • Close with a statement which would elicit quick response
  • A format of letter for the enquiry is given below.

    Letter format for an enquiry on a purchase

    [Your Name]
    [Address of your organisation]

    The sales manager,
    ____ furniture private Ltd,
    [Address of the supplier].

     Dear sir,
    We are setting up a branch office of our company at Chennai. We are interested in furnishing it with good quality furniture. We understand that you are one of specialist in producing office furniture. We would like to know whether the following items are readily available and if yes, their unit prices:
     (i) Wooden table for the use of assistants, size 4' x 6'
    (ii) Table and chair for typist - standard size
    (iii) Caned office chair with arms - standard size
    (iv) Revolving chair with cushioned seat
     (v) Wooden stool
    (vi) Steel almirah
    (vii) File cabinet

    Please indicate the terms and conditions of supply. On hearing from you, we shall take a decision quickly. Since we want our office to function from next month, we would be grateful for an early reply.

    Date: 01-12-2014
    Place: Chennai
    Yours faithfully
    Office Manager
    [For _________ [Company Name]

    What is quotation letter and its purpose

    A letter sent in reply to an enquiry is called a quotation letter. Be prompt in sending all the required information when you wish to participate in the competition. Remember that the enquiry letter is sent to a number of organisations similar to yours and the responses are examined from several points of view: Quality, price, promptness in reply, additional advantages, etc. The information that you give is often included in sales letter too but there is a difference. A quotation letter is written in response to a specific enquiry. On the other hand, a sales letter may be written unsolicited. Further, sales letter may not give point by point detailed information as is done in quotation letter. You can now find a sample quotation letter in response to the enquiry letter given above.

    Letter format for quotation in response to an enquiry letter

    Dear sir,
    Thank you very much for your letter No ............ dated ........ We would be glad to supply all the items mentioned by you at short notice as they are readily available in our stock. The rates are as follows:

    S.No. - Item - Price per item,
    1 Wooden table 4' x 6' Rs. 350.00
    2 Typist's table and chair with standard size Rs. 700.00
    3 Caned office chair with arms (standard size) Rs. 150.00
    4 Wooden table 4' x 6' Rs. 550.00
    5 Revolving chair with cushioned seat Rs. 1250.00
    6 Wooden stool Rs. 60.00
    7 Steel almirah Rs. 3200.00
    8 File cabinet Rs. 2700.00

     Other terms and conditions:

  • Discount @ 10% on an order of Rs. 10,000 and above
  • Packaging free
  • Despatch of goods within 15 days of the receipt of order

  • We enclosed a brochure giving details of all the items of furniture that we supply. If you feel interested in any other item, please let us know. We would be very grateful if you kindly send your firm order. A form of placing an order is enclosed. All that you have to do is to fill in the quantity required.
    Yours faithfully
    [Put signature here]
    Sales Manager
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