Friday, December 5, 2014

How to write a leave letter to Principal: a sample letter format

Every student has to write a leave letter when he/she takes or taken leave. It is most recommended that students should submit leave letter prior to the days they opt leave. In certian circumstances, such as, illness, sudden engagements, leave letters can be accepted after taking leaves.  However, students should properly intimate the situation over phone. Let you assume that you have taken leave due to illness, and writing a leave letter later after your leave days. How will you write the leave letter? That you are going learn from the sample leave letter format given hereunder.

Leave letter format to the Principal of the college:

Mercy P
Reg. No: 96021445769
III Year Civil Engineering
Roseduck College of Engineering and Technology
R.S Nagar

The Principal
Roseduck College of Engineering and Technology
R.S Nagar

Respected Sir,

Sub: Request to leave

As I have severely suffered from headache for the past 03 days from 01-12-14 to 03-12-14, I could not make my presence in the class work. Hence, I hereby request you to consider my absence as leave.
Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

Date: 04-12-14
Place: RCET, Coimbatore

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