Friday, December 5, 2014

How to write a police complaint letter for FIR on a theft of Jewellery

FIR abbreviated from First Information Report is the first process in a theft or any other cases in India. Suppose if your Jewellery has gone to a theft, you must give a complaint letter to your nearby police station, so that police department can do further investigation upon filing a F.I.R. If you don't know how to write a letter regarding this to your police, you can read here a sample complaint letter format and write a new one to submit it to your nearest police station. Below is given the format of letter.

Princy S
No. 3, Kadalaikara Street
Kovilpatti, Tuticorin

The officer in-charge
Kovilpatti west police station

Date: 04-12-2014

Respected Sir,
I am Princy S, residing at the above address. I have seen my jewellery gone lost in my home when I returned back to my home from nearest city Madurai. I have locked my home before, and the lock has also been broken by somebody who theft jewellery.  It is worth about 1 Kg. Hence I hereby put a request you to lodge a complaint and take legal action against this case. I have attached the copies of all bills of my jewellery. Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,
Princy S

Encl: Copes of all bills of Jewellery

N.B: Use this is as a format only. Replace the personnel details therein with your own particulars.

Are you interested in another letter, How to write a letter to bank manager about a loss of debit or ATM card

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