Friday, December 5, 2014

MF9211 [New Code: MF7101] - ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY M.E Manufacturing Engineering Question Paper January 2012

2012 Anna University Chennai M.E Manufacturing Enginnering Mf9211 - advanced materials technology Question paper

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Question Paper Code: 91714


First Semester

Manufacturing Engineering


(Regulation 2009)

Time: Three hours

Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. What is solid solution? List the different solid solutions.

2. Write the Hall-Petch Relation and provide its significance in structure-property correlation.

3. What is endurance limit? Draw the S-N curve for mild steel and aluminium.

4. Differentiate ductile and brittle fractures.

5. Aluminium and Magnesium alloys are preferred in aerospace applications - Justify.

6. List the different refractory metals and their specific applications.

7. What is HSLA steel? List the different HSLA steels.

8. What are the basic requirements to develop metallic glasses?

9. What is metallic foam? Provide different techniques to fabricate metallic foams?

10. Write the different polymorphic strutures of Al2O3.

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) (i) What is precipitation hardening? Describe the precipitation hardening mechanisms with respect to Al-Cu alloys. (8)

(ii) What is superplasticity? Discuss the different factors in detail for facilitating superplasticity.


(b) (i) Differentiate cold work working and hot working. Discuss the annealing behaviour of cold worked alloys with respect to strengthening. (8)

(ii) Discuss the effect of temperature, strain and strain rate on plastic behaviour of metallic and ceramic materials. (8)

12. (a) (i) Draw and explain the creep and high temperature deformation map. (8)

(ii) Write about various methods used to improve the fatigue strength of the materials. (8)


(b) (i) Explain Griffith theory. Why is it not suitable for ductile materials. (8)

(ii) Describe in detail different stages of the failure

13. (a) (i)Recommend suitable materials for high temperature applications and explain the possible high temperature problems. (8)

(ii) List the possible engineered coating techniques to improve the wear behavior of the metallic alloys and discuss in detail on thermal barrier coating methods. (8)


(b) (i) Describe the different materials selection procedures to find the suitable materials for high performance applications. (8)

(ii) Recommend materials, processes and desired properties for aerospace applications, in particular aero-engine. (8)

14. (a) (i) What is maraging steels? Write the effect of various alloying elements in maraging steels. Write the engineering applications of maraging steels and discuss the heat treatment procedure of maraging steels. (8)

(ii) List the different techniques used for producing amorphous structures. Distinguish top-down and bottom-up approach for producing nanostructured alloys and categorizes the processes. (8)


(b) (i) What are intermetallic compounds? List the different intermetallic compounds. intermetallic compounds are brittle in nature-justify and provide various factors involved in brittleness of compounds. (8)

(ii) What are shape memory alloys? Discuss SMA with respect to phase transformation and methods to study the SMA effect. (8)

15. (a) Write the properties and applications of the following polymers and discuss any one fabrication methods of polymers. (16)
(i) PVC
(ii) PEEK
(iii) PPS and
(iv) PTFE


(b) List the important engineering ceramic materials and provide general applications of ceramic materials in various engineering fields. Discuss properties and applications of Si3N4 and SiC. (16) 
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