Sunday, February 15, 2015

CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS Question Bank 02 marks and 16 marks

Prepared by: Mrs. Jebaprincy

1. Define remote sensing.
2. What are the components of remote sensing
3. Define spectral signature curve
4. What are the types of resolution
5. Write the applications of remote sensing
6. Define Stefan-Boltzmann law
7. Define wein’s displacement law
8. Explain wave theory.
9. Define Particle theory.
10.How can you relate the electromagnetic energy radiation with the absorption of ozone?
11.What is electromagnetic spectrum?
12.What are the types of scattering?
13.Write the energy balance equation?
14.When is Rayleigh scatter occur?
15.Draw a spectral signature curve for soil, water and vegetation.
16.What are the primary colours?
17.What is the wavelength of Near IR?
18.Define Atmospheric window.
19.What is non-selective scattering?
20. What is black body radiation

1. Briefly explain about the three forms of interaction that can take place when energy strikes upon the surface.
2. What are waves? Explain about longitudinal and transverse waves. Also write the notes on frequency of and write the wave equation.
3. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum with neat sketch for remote sensing data.
4. Explain the atmospheric interaction with electromagnetic radiation.
5. Explain the spectral reflectance characteristics for soils, water & vegetation.
6. What are types of scattering signature? Explain.
7. Write short note on spectral signature concepts
8. Explain the effects of surface roughness on scattering of EM energy.
9. Explain energy interaction with earth surface materials.
10.Explain the components of real Remote sensing System.

1. Differentiate active sensor and passive sensor?
2. What is called remote sensing platform? Mention the types.
3. Define (i) Swath (ii) Nadir
4. Write the radar equation.
5. Differentiate between radiometric resolution & spectral resolution of satellite image data.
6. What is meant by across track scanning?
7. Define radar sat.
8. List out any high resolution data of Indian satellite with their spectral resolution.
9. Explain SLAR system.
10.What are the characteristics of land satellites?
11.What are the uses of weather satellite?
12.Define SAR.
13.Define aerial and space platforms?
14.List out the application of geostationary satiates?
15.Distinguish between satellite remote sensing & microwave remote sensing.
16.What are polar orbiting satellites?
17.Mention any two satellite data products.
18.What are types of orbit?
19.Differentiate between BIL and BSQ format of satellite image data.
20.What are sun-synchronous satellites?

1. Write brief note on Geo-Stationary orbit, Sun-Synchronous and polar orbit.
2. Discuss in details on air borne and space borne TIR.
3. Explain the platform and sensors available at present for acquisition of satellite imageries.
4. Explain the characteristics of Landsat satellite and their sensors.
5. Explain in details about SLAR and their advantages. And also write the importance of radar principle in microwave remote sensing.
6. Give a detail specification and characteristics on meteorological satellites.
7. Describe the various types of resolutions and scale of satellite imageries.
8. Explain the characteristics of various sensing systems.
9. Discuss the principle of radar.
10.Discuss the factors affecting microwave measurement.
11.Define radiometer and enumerate the working principle of a long track and across multiple spectral scanners with neat sketch.
12.Explain sun synchronous and geo synchronous. Discuss in detail about the geometric  characteristics of imagery.
13.Explain the orbital and sensor characteristics of Indian remote sensing Satellites.

1. Enlist the elements of visual interpretation.
2. What is called photographic interpretation?
3. Briefly explain band rationing.
4. Explain visual image interpretation.
5. What do you mean by visual image processing?
6. What is mean by retrieval reclassification?
7. What is image enhancement?
8. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised classifications.
9. What is contrast stretching? State its use.
10.Why is image classification necessary?
11.State the process involved in image enhancements.
12.Mention any two satellite data products.
13.What are pre-processing techniques in digital image processing?
14.Describe an image with its properties?
15.What is elimination key?
16.What are the types of image interpretation?
17.Define the term preprocessing.
18.What is Digital Image Processing?
19.What is NDVI?
20.What is PCA?

1. What is the applications of photo interpretation in remote sensing? Explain.
2. What are the methods that can be used for the multispectral classification of images? Discuss.
3. Explain the process of principal component transformation and Fourier transform approaches to image enhancement and analysis.
4. Explain the digital image processing of satellite imageries for data interpretation.
5. Explain in details about the applications of aerial photo interpretation.
6. Write short notes on:
(i) Image enhancement
(ii) Image filtering
7. Write down the detailed procedure for visual interpretation of satellite image and explain interpretation key characteristics.
8. Write a note on image enhancement techniques.
9. Write an essay on supervised and unsupervised classification of remote sensed data.
10.Briefly describe the techniques employed in digital image interpretation.
11.Enumerate different types of image interpretation. Explain them with relative merits and demerits.
12.What are the interpretation keys and explain them with examples.

1. What are the major component of GIS system?
2. Define map overlay.
3. What is the function of DBMS?
4. What are the advantages of GPS?
5. Write down the different types of projections?
6. Define cylindrical projection.
7. What is data abstraction in a data base management system?
8. What is meant by undershoot and overshoot?
9. What is the role of digitization in GIS?
10.What is meant by forest five growth modelling?
11.What is meant by vehicle navigation?
12.List out the basic modules of the GIS software.
13.What is Geo-Referencing?
14.Define integrates GIS. List out the applications of GIS.
15.What do you mean by general purpose of maps?
16.What is UTM in GIS?
17.Define spatial & Non-spatial data.
18.What are Thematic Maps?
19.What do you meant by Rectification?

1. Describe the fundamental projection classification of maps.
2. What are the available software packages for creating GIS projects? Explain.
3. What are the components of GIS? Explain.
4. Write short notes on:
(i) Spatial & attribute data
(ii) Geographic scales
(iii) Requirements of GIS
(iv) GIS vs GBMS
5. Compare the characteristics of spatial & non-spatial data.
6. Write a note on the use of DBNS in GIS.
7. Describe the various features of vector overlay processing? What are the data output devises with given any one example with sketch.
8. Discuss about GIS data file management.
9. Describe the overlay analysis in GIS.
10.Briefly explain the cylindrical projection system.
11.Compare the contrast raster and vector data representation with suitable examples.
12.Discuss in detail about spatial and non-spatial data.
13.Discuss the various types of raster data structures.
14.Explain in detail about UTM projection System.

1. What is conflation?
2. Write short note on land information system (LIS).
3. Mention the various fields of GIS application in resource management?
4. List out the various output devices for raster and vector format.
5. Define integrated GIS.
6. What is meant by highway alignment?
7. State disaster management.
8. State different type of scanners user in GIS.
9. Differentiate between raster and vector data models.
10.What is attribute analysis? List at least two attribute analysis techniques.
11.What is attribute data?
12.What is dynamic segmentation?
13.Why is compression needed for remote sensing data?
14.Mention any two important methods of data input in GIS.
15.What are the advantages of web GIS?
16.Define the term digitization?
17.What do you understand about raster data model?
18.What is mean by query analysis?
19.What is line Buffer in GIS? Give one Example.
20.Give any two examples of raster data.

1. Write detailed note on data models and data compression.
2. Discuss in detail about the following:
(i) Modelling in GIS
(ii) Land information system
3. Explain in detail about:
(i) DEM
(ii) TIN
4. Give a detailed account an overlay analysis in GIS.
5. Briefly explain the application of GIS in highway alignment project.
6. Explain how GIs can be utilized as a land information system?
7. Explain the characteristics of raster and vector data. How they are represented in GIS database?
8. Describe the techniques utilized for raster and vector data compression.
9. Describe how raster and vector data models are handled in GIS. State theirpros and cons.
10.Explain the applications of remote sensing and GIS in health hazards.
11.Discuss the role of GIS in land use and urban planning.
12.What are the four basic procedures for inputting spatial data into a GIS?
13.How will you improve highway planning with the help of GIS? Explain.
14.Explain in detail the Digitization and Scanning Processes in GIS.
15.Explain the role of GIS in Highway alignment studies?

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