Sunday, February 15, 2015

CE2353 - Construction Planning and Scheduling - 02 marks and 16 marks with answers

Anna University Chennai
Department of Civil Engineering
Anna University Syllabus Regulation 2008
Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli
Question Paper Collection with Answers
Subject: CE2353 - Construction Planning and Scheduling
Prepared by Mrs. JEBAPRINCY


1. What is planning? (AUC May/June2012)
Planning aims at formulation of a time based plan of action for coordinating various activities and resources to achieve specified objectives. Planning is the process of developing the project plan. The plan outlines how the project is to be directed to achieve the assigned goals. It specifies a redetermined and committed future course of action, based on discussions and decisions made on the current knowledge and estimation of future trends.
2. What is construction planning
The construction planning process is stimulated through a study of project documents. These documents include but are not limited to the available technical and commercial studies and investigations, designs and drawings, estimation of quantities, construction method statements, project planning data, contract documents, site conditions, market survey, local resources, project environment and the client’s organization. The planning process takes in to account, the strengths and weakness of the organizations.
3. What are the objectives of planning?
Proper design of each element of the project Proper selection of equipment and machinery in big projects, the use of large capacity plants are found economical Procurement of materials well in advance Proper arrangement of repair of equipment and machinery. Employment of trained and experienced staff on the project
To provide incentive for good workers
To arrange constant flow of funds for the completion of project
To provide proper safety measures and ventilation, proper arrangement of light and water.
4. What are the types of project plans?
Planning the entire project from its inception to completion requires a vast coverage, varied skills and different types of plans. The nature of plans encountered in a typical construction project are indicated below Types of project plans: Development stage - nature of plan

1. What is the object of scheduling?.
Scheduling means putting the plan on calendar basis. A project network shows the sequence and inters dependencies of activities, their time and their earliest and latest completion time, but these needs to be scheduled to determine commencement and termination dates of each activity. Using optimum resources or working within resource constraints, it is a time table of work. A basic distinction exists between resource oriented scheduling techniques. The project is divided into number of operations.
2. List out the advantages of scheduling.
1. By studying of any work and the many alternative methods of execution, we can choose the best one.
2. It gives a clear idea regarding the required men, materials and equipments at different stages of work.
3. Resource utilization is optimized.
4. Actual progress of the work is monitored with the actual plan. If there is any delay, proper remedial measures can be taken to avoid such delays.
3. What is the purpose of work scheduling?
The bar – chart type work schedule provides a simplified version of the work plan, which can easily
be understood by all concerned with planning, co – ordination, execution and control of the project.
(b) It validates the time objectives:
A work schedule shows the planned sequence of activities, data – wise while putting the work plan on a calendar basis, it takes into account reduced efficiency of resources to adverse climatic conditions and other factors.
(c) It evaluates the implications of scheduling constraints:
A work schedule brings out the implications of constraints and enables preparation of a plan of work within the frame work of these constraints.
4. What are the steps involved in schedule chart?
(a) Select the EST point of activity layout on the graph, and draw a line sloping equal to its rate of
execution i.e., 1 unit per day.
(b) Plot the lowest rate slowing line and mark its intersection with the top to foundation horizontal
( c ) Starting from the point of intersection, move forward horizontally on the top line and identify
latest completion point of subsequent activity as indicated by the set back.
5. What are the factors affecting work scheduling? (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
(a) Time:
Most of the projects carry time constraints in the form of imposed dates, these dates may include
constraints on start and completion of activities.
(b) Manpower:
Man power is one of the main in the successful execution of projects. The idle labour time is paid for and the strikes and breakdown of work are kept in view by manpower.
(c) Materials:
Construction materials are increasingly becoming scarce and their procurement is a time consuming process. The schedule aids in forecasting of materials and their timely supply determines the economics and progress work.
6. What is the purpose of numbering events?
i. It simplifies the identification and description of a n activity in terms of event numbers.
ii. The activities are coded as i- j where i and j are the event numbers as commencement and termination of an activity.
iii. It helps in developing identification code for computer application.
iv. It systematizes the computations of critical path for each activity as far as possible, the number of the proceeding event it should be less than that of the succeeding event.
7. Define the following terms: (AUC Apr/May 2011) . (AUC May/ June 2009)
1. Critical path:
The longest path through the network is called critical path and its length determines the minimum
durations in which the project can be completed.
2. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique):
PERT is vent oriented. It is parabolistic model i.e., it takes into account uncertainties involved in the
estimation time of a job or an activity. It uses three estimates of the activity time, optimistic time and
pessimistic time and, most likely time.
3. Dummy activity:
It is superimposed activity, which does not represent any specific operation or process. It has zero
duration and consumes no resources, its purpose is twofold.
(a) To provide a logical link to maintain the correct.
(b) To simplify the description of concurrent activities in terms of event numbers. The dummy activity is drawn like any other activity, but with dotted lines.
8. What is the significance of critical path?
(a) It is the longest path in the network; however it is possible for a network to have more than one critical path. The sum of the durations of critical activities along the critical path determines the duration of the project.
(b). It is the most sensitive path, any change in duration critical activities along the critical path is bound to effect the duration of the entire project.
9. Define the following terms. (AUC May/ June 2009)
1. EST (Earliest Start Time):
This is the earliest time an activity can be started, assuming that all the activities prior to it have taken place as early as possible.
2. LST (Latest Start Time) :
This is the latest time an activity can start consistent, with the completion of the project in the stipulated time. The LST of an activity is determined by subtracting the activity duration from the LFT of succeeding event.
3. EFT (Earliest Finish Time):
It is the earliest time by which an activity can be completed assuming that all the activities prior to it
begin at their EST.
4. LFT (Latest Finish Time):
It is the latest time by which an activity must be completed to ensure the completion of project within
the stipulated time.
10. What are the classifications of networks?
1. Skeleton network
2. Master network
3. Detail network

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