Sunday, February 15, 2015

CE2354 - Environmental Engineering - II : All units 02 marks with answers

Anna University Chennai

Department of Civil Engineering

Anna University Syllabus Regulation 2008

Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli

Question Paper Collection with Answers (All units 02 marks with answers)

Subject: CE2354 - Environmental Engineering - II

Semester: 06th Semester Civil Engineering

Prepared by Mrs. JEBAPRINCY

Planning for Sewarage Systems
1. What are the types of treatment processes?
1) Preliminary treatment
2) Primary treatment
3) Complete final treatment
4) Secondary treatment
2. What are the various sources of wastewater generation?
I. Industrial Wastes
II. Domestic wastes
III.Agricultural Wastes
3. List out the types of anaerobic bio logical units?
1. Anaerobic lagoons
2. Septic tank
3. Inhofe tank
4. What is means by screening?
Screening is the very first operation carried out at a sewage treatment plant and consists of passing the sewage through different types of screens so as to trap and remove the floating matter such as process of cloth, paper, wood, cork, hair, fiber etc.
5. What is the purpose of providing screen?
The main idea of providing screens is to protect the pumps and other equipments from the possible
damages due to the floating matter of the sewage. It should be used for removing the floating
6. What are the types of screen?
Classification based on size of the opening
1. Coarse screens
2. Medium screens
3. Fore screens
For further questions and answers, refer the following image files.

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