Kerala University
Second Semester
MCA Degree First Series Examination, 2013
(2006 Admn.) 06.205:
Data Base Management System
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Answer any 10 questions. Each carries 10 marks. [10 x 10 = 100 marks]
1. Write short note on:
i. Object oriented DBMS
ii. Distributed DBMS
2. Explain the structure of B+ tree with example.
3. What is multilevel indexing? How does it improve search efficiency?
5. Explain time stamp protocol with example.
6. What is the two phase locking protocol?
7. What are ACID properties? Illustrate them through an example.
8. Explain how a transaction is managed in SQL.
9. Compare and contrast the features of log based recovery mechanism verses check pointing based recovery.
10. Explain the recovery techniques used in DBMS.
11. What is normalization? What are its objectives?
12. State and explain the three forms of normalizations with example.
13. Explain Primary key, candidate key and foreign key.
14. Explain SQL and its languages.
15. Describe various relational operations.
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