Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Madras University: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND C++, B.Sc Computer Science 2008 Question Paper

What you are looking at internet? On a search of OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND C++  university question bank from Madras University? Here's a collection of old question paper of OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AND C++ which covers important questions and topics. The below shown previous years paper was asked originally in the year 2008, B.Sc Computer Science Examination. Read on to get it!

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Madras University
November 2008
Maximum Marks: 75 marks
Course: B.Sc Computer Science

PART-A-(10 x 3=30 MARKS)
Answer any TEN questions

1.What are Image controls?

2.Write a note on Text Boxes.

3.What is the use of variant Data Type in VB.

4.Write a note on Strcmp () function.

5.Define Function Procedures.

6.What are Static Arrays?

7.What is the use 'ERASE' COMMAND? Give an example.

8.How do you add controls in a control Array?

9.Write a not eon The object Browser.

10. What is the use of "The Immediate Window"

11.Write a not eon File List BOx.

12.Define OLE.

PART-B-(5 x 6=30 MARKS)
Answer any FIVE Questions

13.Write short notes on Common Form Properties.

14.What are Message Boxes? Discuss about the 'Msgbox' command with example

15.Discuss about Indeterminate Loops with examples.

16.Explain the use of built -in string functions in VB.

17.Write a short notes on The Flex Grid control.

18.Discuss briefly about Common Dialog Boxes.

19.How to create OLE objects? Discuss briefly.

PART C- (10 x 4=40 MARKS)
Answer any TEN questions

20.Write short notes on
(a)Command Button
(b)The Grid.

21.Write a VB application to calculate simple and compound Interest.

22.Explain about various Numeric Functions with examples.

23.Explain about VB projects with Multiple forms.

24.Discuss about any FOUR controls in the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0

25.Explain about OLE Drag and Drop with an example VB application.

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