Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kannur University B.Tech s1 and s2 PTZKG | 2K6 EN 103 : ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 2013 Question Paper

Looking for kannur university btech previous year semester 1 and 2 (s1 and s2) question paper? Look out the following contents and get all your question paper here.

Kannur University
Combined I and ll Semester B.Tech. Degree (Reg./Sup./lmp - Including Part Time) Examination, April 2013
(2007 Admn. Onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer all questions.
2) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.

l. a) What is compounding of resin and plastics ? Explain any four additives added during compounding.
b) Describe the synthesis and applications of the following polymers :
1) Polyurethane 2) Nylon 6,6
c) Derive the Nernst equation for electrode potential. -
d) Explain the construction and working of lead-acid battery
e) Explain the experimental method of determination of pH using glass electrode.
f) Differentiate between electroplating and electroless plating.
g) Define reformation of a fuel. Explain different types of reformation with reactions.
h) Write the control measures of water pollution.

II a) i) Explain the free radical mechanism of addition polymerization taking ethylene as an example.
ii) Discuss the functions of a lubricant.
iii) Define cloud and pour point of an oil. Explain the determination of pour point.
b) i) Discuss any four structure-property relationship of polymers.
ii) Write short notes on fluid-film (hydrodynamic) lubrication.

III a) i) Define EMF of a cell. Explain the construction, working of calomel electrode
ii) What are fuelcells ? Explain the construction working and applications of Hr-O, fuel cell.
iii) Derive an expression for Henderson-Hassel batch equation for acidic buffer
b) i) What are concentration cells ? A cell was constructed by immersing two copper electrodes in 0.05 M and 0.1 5 M CuSOo solution respectively. Write the cell representation, cell reactions and calculate the emf of the cell.
ii) Explain the construction and working of Ni - Cd battery.
iii) Write short notes on buffer solutions.

lV. a) i) Explain the following factors which affects the rate of corrosion.
1) Relative areas of anode and cathode.
2) Nature of the corrosion product.
ii) What is cathodic protection ? Explain the sacrificialanode and impressed current methods.
iii) Discuss the constituents of varnish.
b) i) Define corrosion. Explain the electrochemicaltheory of corrosion taking iron as an example.
ii) Write notes on :
1) Galvanizing 2) Tinning

V. a) i) Explain the experimental determination of calorific value of a gaseous fuel using Boy's calorimeter.
ii) Define hard water. Explain the determination of hardness of water by complexometric method.
b) i) Define knocking. Explain the mechanism of knocking in l.C. engines.
ii) Write short notes on sources and ill effects of SO, pollutant.
iii) Explain the activated sludge method of domestic watertreatment.

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