Sunday, May 31, 2015

AU MICROPROCESSORS 4th Semester CSE and IT Lab Manual

AU MICROPROCESSORS 4th Semester CSE and IT Lab Manual
Are you looking for Lab Manuals for MICROPROCESSORS? Here you can download the lab manuals of Anna University Chennai. Provided below is a lab manual for 4th Semester BE CSE and IT departments:

Here is the MICROPROCESSORS LAB Manual for 4th Semester CSE and IT :

Inside the downloaded Contents :

8085 Programming:

1. Basic Arithmetic Operations

2. Searching & Sorting

3. Code Conversion & BCD Arithmetic

8086 Programming:

4. Basic Arithmetic & Sorting

5. String Manipulation


6. 8253 & 8279 Interfacing

7. 8255 & 8251 Interfacing

8. Stepper & DC Motor Control

9. 8051 Basic Programming

10. Communication between PC & 8085/8086/8051

Click here to download the lab manual

JNTUA R7410505-Emedded Systems 2012 Question Paper

JNTUA R7410505-Emedded Systems 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur Question Paper
B.Tech Supplementary Examination , Nov 2012 Question Paper
Fourth Year Question Paper
First Semester Question Paper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7410505-Emedded Systems Question Paper
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7410505
B.TECH IV Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations November/December 2012
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain the importance of an embedded processor for a complex system.
(b) List the software tools needed in designing an embedded system. Discuss about any one of them.
2. (a) Explain the concepts of serial data interrupts, data transmission and reception relevant to serial data input/output in 8051 microcontroller.
(b) Draw and explain the timer/counter logic in which the resultant timer clock is gated to the timer
3. (a) Explain the Boolean bit-level operations with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss about microcontroller programming languages.
4. (a) Explain about rotate and swap operations by taking into consideration of register A.
(b) How to perform unsigned multiplication using relevant mnemonics? Give suitable example.
5. With neat sketch explain the design approach for interfacing with keyboard display unit to 8051 microcontroller based embedded system. Develop the relevant program.
6. (a) Explain the terms “Semaphores and Queues” relevant to RTOS in an embedded system.
(b) Explain how tasks are different from functions? Write short notes on interrupt service routines in an RTOS environment.
7. (a) Explain the operating system units in an RTOS kernel.
(b) What does embedded software development mean? Explain in brief the different stages in the development and testing of an application.
8. (a) Write notes on internet-enabled systems.
(b) Discuss about the specifications of I2 C bus protocol.

R7410506-Mobile Computing JNTUA 2012 Question Paper

R7410506-Mobile Computing JNTUA 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur Question Paper
B.Tech Supplementary Examination , Nov 2012 Question Paper
Fourth year Question Paper
First Semester Question Paper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7410506-Mobile Computing Question Paper
(Regulation 2007)

B.TECH IV Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, November 2012
(Common to CSE, IT and ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) What is mobile computing and briefly explain its applications?
(b) Write a short note on mobile services of GSM.
2 Write a short note on :
(a) FDMA.
(b) TDMA.
3 (a) Explain mobile IP with an example and its goals.
(b) Briefly explain: (i) IP packet delivery. (ii) Agent discovery.
4 (a) Explain congestion control mechanism in TCP.
(b) Differentiate indirect ICP and snooping TCP.
5 (a) Differentiate power- aware and context-aware computing.
(b) Briefly explain catching invalidation mechanisms.
6 Write a short note on :
(a) Push-based Mechanisms.
(b) Hybrid Mechanisms.
7 What is MANET and explain the properties, applications of a MANET?
8 (a) Explain WAP architecture with a neat diagram.
(b) Write a short note on Bluetooth.

JNTUA R7410508 - Software Project Management 2012 Question Paper

JNTUA R7410508 - Software Project Management 2012 Question Paper
Question Paper of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur
B.Tech Supplementary Examination , Nov 2012 Question Paper
Fourth Year Question Paper
First Semester Question Paper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7410508 - Software Project Management Question Paper
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7410508
B.TECH IV Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, November 2012
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) Define the three generations of software development.
(b) Explain the cost estimation process.
2 (a) Discuss the attributes of the three distinct process perspectives.
(b) Write about peer inspections.
(c) List the top five principles of a modem process.
3 (a) List the essential activities of each phase of the life cycle process.
(b) What is work breakdown structure?
(c) List the test artifacts.
4 Explain the aspects of architectures, in both management perspective and technical perspective.
5 Three types of joint management reviews are conducted throughout the process. Explain them.
6 (a) Discuss the software architecture team activities.
(b) Describe the basic fields of the software change order.
7 (a) Write about quality indicators.
(b) Discuss the process discriminators that result from differences in architectural risk.
8 Write short notes on :
(a) Modern software economics
(b) Demonstration based assessment 

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE R7420501 JNTUA June 2012 Question Paper

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE R7420501 JNTUA June 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur
B.Tech Advanced Supplementary Examination , June 2012 Question Paper
Fourth Year
Second Semester
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
R7420501-Management Science
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7420501
B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R07) Advanced Supplementary Examinations June 2012
(Common to CSE, IT and CSSE)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 Define management and explain the significance of management functions.
2 What is matrix organization? Explain its advantages and limitations.
3 Define ‘Work standing’. Explain basic procedure involved in work measurement.
4 Define “Marketing Management”. Explain the functions of marketing.
5 What is job evaluation? What are its advantages? How is it carried out?
6 What do you mean by crashing? Why crashing can be applied to CPM problems only?
7 Explain ‘SWOT’ analysis with suitable examples.
8 Write short notes on:
(a) Six sigma and capability maturity model (CMM).
(b) Business process Re-engineering

E-COMMERCE R7420503 JNTUA June 2012 Question Paper

E-COMMERCE R7420503 JNTUA June 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur Question Paper
B.Tech Advanced Supplementary Examination , June 2012
Fourth year Question Paper
Second Semester Question Paper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7420503 - E-commerce Question Paper
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7420503
B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R07) Advanced Supplementary Examinations June 2012
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 Define B2B. Describe the nature of business-to-business transaction in e-commerce.
2 (a) Discuss in detail about consumer oriented electronic commerce.
(b) Explain mercantile models from the merchant’s perspective.
3 What is electronic cash? Explain its properties and advantages.
4 (a) Explain about EDI layered architecture.
(b) How information flows take place in EDI?
5 Intra organizational commerce is the way to increase the effectiveness of electronic commerce”. Discuss.
6 (a) Discuss the various available strategies of internet advertisement.
(b) What are the advantages and limitations of internet advertisement as compared to traditional media?
7 What do you mean by electronic white and yellow pages of directory business? Discuss the overview of directory business.
8 Describe about desktop video processing and video conferencing in detail.

JNTUA R7420507 - Design Patterns 2012 Question Paper

JNTUA R7420507 - Design Patterns 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur Question Paper
B.Tech Advanced Supplementary Examination , June 2012 Question Paper
Fourth Year Question Paper
Second Semester Question Paper
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7420507 - Design Patterns Question Paper
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7420507
B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R07) Advanced Supplementary Examinations, June 2012
(Common to CSE, IT and CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) List and explain the different classes in design patterns.
(b) Discuss in detail about the organization of the catalog.
2 (a) Give brief description about the encapsulating access and traversal.
(b) What is a structure? Explain in detail, how to construct it.
3 (a) What is the motivation for abstract factory pattern? Explain it in detail.
(b) Explain the consequences and implementation issues for builder pattern.
4 (a) What are the issues that should be considered for implementing the composite pattern?
(b) Explain the different participants involved in design of adapter pattern.
5 Discuss in detail about the flyweight design pattern.
6 (a) What is the motivation for command design pattern?
(b) Give brief description about the interpreter design pattern.
7 (a) Explain the structure of typical mediator with its architecture.
(b) Discuss in detail the various consequences and issues of implementation for memento.
8 (a) Write a short notes on Alexander’s pattern language.
(b) Discuss in detail about refactoring.

R7420501 Management Science JNTUA 2012 Question Paper

R7420501 Management Science JNTUA 2012 Question Paper
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur
B.Tech Regular and Supplementary Examination , March/April 2012
Fourth year
Second Semester
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Management Science
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7420501
B.TECH IV Year II Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, March/April 2012
(Common to CSE, IT & CSSE)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 Discuss the contribution of Hawthorne experiments in the development of management thinking.
2 (a) Define Organization. State and explain the principles of organization.
(b) Explain the factors which effect the degree of decentralization.
3 (a) Define method study. Briefly explain the various steps involved in method study.
(b) Write a short note on Acceptance sampling.
4 (a) What is Materials management? Explain its objectives and importance.
(b) Write are the functions of purchase manager.
5 (a) Discuss the various methods of wage payments.
(b) Discuss the concepts of Job analysis.
6 Consider a project consideration of nine jobs with the following precedence relation and average time estimates.
(i) Draw a network.
(ii) Find the critical path.
Job A B C D E F G H I
Predecessor - - A,B A,B B D,E C,F D,E G,H
Time(Days) 30 20 20 20 10 10 40 20 30
7 What is SWOT Analysis? How do you carry it for a technical educational institute?
8 Write short notes on the following:
(a) Six sigma and CMM levels.
(b) Performance management.
(c) End user computing
(d) ERP.

Anna University April May June 2015 UG 2nd ,4th and 6th semester Results Updates

Anna University April May June 2015 UG 2nd ,4th and 6th semester Results Updates
Are you looking for Anna University April May June 2015 UG 2nd ,4th and 6th semester Results? This is the time to announce the Results of Anna University UG even semester examinations April May June 2015. Read further to know updated information about the result announcement.

You all know that Anna University Examination for April May June 2015 UG 4th & 6th semester has got over and all the students who appeared for examinations are waiting for their results. Presently Paper correction for UG 4th & 6th semester is going on. It has been started from 25th May 2015. Anna University Examination for April May June 2015 UG  2nd semester has going on After second semester Examination completed, AU will start UG 2nd semester paper corrections.

Result for April/May/June 2015 are expected  to be announced  2nd week of July. Please stay updated by visiting this page often.

Anna University Results Link:,

Dec 2010 BE SPHX1001 Physics of Materials Sathyabama University

Dec 2010 BE SPHX1001 Physics of Materials Sathyabama University

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech-Common to ALL Branches
Title of the Paper: Physics of Materials                 Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: SPHX1001                                           Time: 3 Hours
Date: 06/12/2010                                                    Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1.     What is Lorentz number? What is its value?

2.     A superconducting tin has a critical temperature of 3.7K at zero magnetic fields and a critical field of 0.0306 Tesla at 0K. Find the critical field at 2K.

3.     Mention the materials used as magnetic data storage.

4.     What is dielectric breakdown?

5.     Define active non linear materials.

6.     What is meant by colour centre?

7.     Mention the factors which affect the properties of composite materials.

8.     Define two way shape memory allory.

9.     State Bragg’s law and its importance.

10.   On what factors the resolution of an electron microscope depends?

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer ALL the Questions

11.   What are the postulates of the classical free electron theory? Derive the mathematical expression for the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of metal.
12.   (a) What is Josephson effect? Explain the dc and ac Josephson effect.
(b) Explain type I and type II superconductors with examples.
13.   (a) Explain the domain theory of ferromagnetism.               (8)
(b) Distinguish between hard and soft magnetic materials. (4)
14.   (a) What is internal field in solid dielectrics? Derive a mathematical expression for the internal field in solid dielectrics.
(b) Calculate the polarization produced in a dielectric medium of dielectric constant 6, when subjected to electric field of 100 V/m.

15.   (a) What is luminescence? Explain how photoluminescence take place in characteristic luminescent materials.                        (8)
(b) Write a short note on excitons.                                                 (4)
16.   (a) Explain how the frequency doubling is achieved using a non linear materials, with suitable illustrations.                             (8)
(b) Write a short note on optical mixing.                               (4)

17.   (a) What is meant by shape memory effect?                                 (3)
(b) Explain the following terms in shape memory alloys.     (9)
(i) Hysteresis curve
(ii) Super elasticity
(iii) Thermo mechanical behaviour
18.   (a) Describe how ceramic particles are processed to produce a solid product in advance ceramics.                                         (8)
(b) Give an account of composite materials.                                 (4)

19.   (a) Explain how the x-ray diffraction is used to determine the crystal structure.                                                                         (9)
(b) What are the merits and demerits of neutron diffraction? (3)
20.   Explain the principle, construction and working of scanning electron microscope.

Dec 2010 BE SHSX1001 English for Science & Technology Sathyabama University

Dec 2010 BE SHSX1001 English for Science & Technology Sathyabama University

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech-CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/E&C/EIE/ETCE
Title of the Paper: English for Science & Technology Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: SHSX1001                                                  Time: 3 Hours
Date: 18/12/2010                                                           Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1.     Add suitable prefixes to the following words and frame negatives
        (a) legal           (b) equality     (c) literate       (d) regular.

2.     Write a single sentence definition for each of the following:
        (a) accelerator         (b) dynamo

3.     Correct the subject verb agreement in the following sentences:
(a) The variety of Internet newsgroups provide something for every one.
(b) Those who ‘surf’ the web is growing in number every day.

4.     Complete the following sentences which make certain conditions:
        (a) If you had studied hard, _______________________
        (b) ___________________, you will fall.

5.     Correct the English in the following passage:
Oil, the major source of energy in the world, have had a dramatic effect in the worlds economy. Until quiet recently, the demand for oil, seems unlimited. This enormous demand motivated several multi-national companies to invest in locations of large deposits.

6.     Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:
        Computer __________ (become) so indispensable today. Everyone _________ (think) that computer skills _______ (be) very essential for any job, So every year thousands of students __________ (join) many institutes offering computer education.

7.     Change the following into indirect speech.
                The customer said to the mechanic, “Is my car ready now?”

8.     Identify the meaning of any two of the following pairs of words and make use of them in sentences of your own:
                meat          meet   need   knead  viper  wiper  sweet   sweat

9.     Add suitable question tags.
        He is rich, ___________________?
        She does not like sweets, ___________?

10.   Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliaries.
                (a) He said that he __________ swim across the river.
                (b) __________ God bless you!

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
        Since 1945, 2051 nuclear tests have been conducted all over the world. Of these, 528 have been in the atmosphere, under water or in space. The rest were underground tests. The international awareness of the dangers of radioactive effects from the atmospheric tests came with the 1954 “Bravo” thermonuclear test conducted by the U.S. All 23 crewmembers of the Japanese fishing boat named “Lucky Dragon” that was fishing about 160 km away from the test location, were irradiated. Several fell sick and died, creating anger in the minds of the people.

        The effect of atmospheric testing were both local and global. Local effects in regions near testing sites led to relatively large doses of irradiation. For example, in 1996, the U.S National Cancer Institute estimated that about 10,000 to 75,000 U.S citizens would be affected with thyroid cancer just from iodine – 13 from atmospheric tests. About 10,000 to 40,000 inhabitants of the area adjacent to the testing site in Kazakhstan were exposed to an average dose of 160 rods.

        In response to wide spread public concern about the health affects of radioactive fall out from atmospheric testing a large number of countries signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963. The Treaty prohibited all but underground nuclear tests. Since then most nuclear tests have been conducted underground. Nuclear establishments the world over have tried to convince their citizens and others that this possessed no risks top their health. Even from the limited amount of data that is available, it is clear that this not true.
        They hide their truths regarding the data on health and environment effects of nuclear weapons testing. Nuclear weapons are secretive about every thing. But the, absence of such information led to ignorance of the terrific danger involved in nuclear testing.
        In the case of underground testing, there are further problems. Scientific models for predicting the spread of radioactive contamination are at their early stages. The observed rate of plutonium migration, for example, is much larger than what has been previously predicted. Under such circumstances, it is best to adopt the cautionary principle that can be reasonably expected and apply appropriate remedies, for the good of one and all.

(i)    Read the text and say whether the statements are True or    False:
(a) Nuclear tests, even when conducted underground, post risks to our health.
(b) The ‘Bravo’ nuclear test did not prove to be harmful.
(c) The Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed by a small number of countries.
(d) The ‘Lucky Dragon’ incident caused the death of 22 members of a Japanese fishing crew.

(ii) Choose the appropriate meaning of words as they are used in the text.
        (A) Afflicted
                (1) affected    (2) died    (3) felt sickened   (4) excited
        (B) Estimated
                (1) Calculated (2) speculated (3) found out (4) finished
        (C) Concern
                (1) consideration (2) anxiety (3) industry (4) related
        (D) Predicting
                (1) warming (2) forecasting  (3) considering (4) editing
        (iii) Read the following passage and make notes:
Matter may exist as a solid, or gas depending on its energy. Gases and vapors are high-energy states of matter; they flow to take the shape and to occupy the total volume of any container. When gas loses sufficient energy (in the form of heat or by doing work) it is considered to be a liquid. Liquids are able to flow, but they are virtually incompressible. Matter that flows (that is, gas or liquid) is called a fluid. Liquid molecules are able to move and they flow past each other, but their motion is much slower than that of gases.
Solids are the lowest energy states of matter. The usually possess rigid structures, they do not flow and they are relatively difficult to compress. The atoms in a solid cannot move from one form to another, but they do vibrate about fixed positions in the structure. These vibrations are due to thermal energy.
When a solid is heated, the magnitude of these thermal vibrations j increases until they ‘shake apart’ the solid structure and the solid melts, becoming liquid. If heat is applied to the liquid, molecules increase their energy, and evidently have sufficient to escape through the liquid surface, where they escape.
Some molecules escape from a liquid even at temperatures below the boiling point, because one molecule may obtain energy from several others, so that its energy is sufficient to enable it to escape through the surface. This process is called evaporation, and since it leaves the other molecules with less average energy, the remaining liquid is cooled.

Read the following passage and summarise to one third of its size:
        Nature is our mother, She offers us all facilities to lead a comfortable and peaceful life. She brings us rain. She feeds the human beings who are her children. The plants, trees, brushes and the grains we grow all belong to nature. Yet man is not grateful to nature. He pollutes the surroundings and brings destruction to himself.
        Environmental pollution may be of three kinds. They are air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. Air pollution is caused by factories which emerge smoke and fumes. They mix with the pure air and pollute it. Air pollution is also caused by fumes from the exhaust pipes of vehicles. It is also caused by all kinds of refuse such as dust bin refuse, lavatory refuse and washing up refuse. When we breathe and pollute air, our lungs are affected by diseases.
        Water pollution is contaminating water resources. Factory wastes and gutter water are allowed to flow into rivers. These waste also get collected in ponds. They pollute the surrounding. Contaminated water causes many diseases. Cholera is the first among them, Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes, it results in malaria.
        Noise pollution is caused by vehicles and the horn. Some factories also disturb the peaceful atmosphere around. Loud speakers are the worst pollutants in this regard. They spoil the entire atmosphere.
        Man cuts and fells trees without any limit. This causes imbalance on the surface of the earth. This results in lack of rain and soil erosion. We must protect trees. Let us keep our surroundings clean and lead a healthy and happier life.

12.   (a) Observe the following graphics which depicts the result of a survey on the choice of novels of a hundred readers. Write a paragraph using the hints given here.
Choice of Novels
Types of Novels
No.of people
Convert – I
        Represent the following by means of a flow chart
                Silver occurs in the ores of several metals. The froth process of extracting silver accounts for about 75 percent of silver recovered. Here the ore is ground to powder, placed in large vats containing water suspension of froth agents and thoroughly agitated by jets of air. Depending on the agent used either the silver bearing ore or the gangue adhering to the bubbles of the froth is skimmed off and washed. The final refining is done using Electrolysis. Represent this process by means of a flow chart.
13.   (a) Write a letter to the editor of a leading English newspaper about the suffering of office-goers and school children who use the public transport.
Write a letter to Ashok Leyland Chennai asking for practical training. Assume yourself as a student of Mechanical Engineering.

14.   Rearrange the jumbled sentences.
(i) As a result, drinking and bathing water are usually dirty and this causes diseases such as dysentery, typhoid and hepatitis , as well as skin and eye diseases.
(ii) Secondly, houses are often overcrowded and have poor air circulation.
(iii) This would make drinking water safe and reduce infections.
(iv) There are numerous health problems in shanty towns.
(v) Thirdly, there are no drains and sewers or rubbish collection services.
(vi) The government could do a lot to solve this problems.
(vii) The resulting pools of stagnant water and heaps of household wastes attract rats and insects, which can pass on diseases.
(viii) Firstly, because of the sites are illegal and the government does not provide piped water.
(ix) In addition, the authorities could provide householders with building materials to improve their conditions and educate them about the importance of ventilation.
(x) This makes it easier to catch diseases like flu, TB and diphtheria where infection enters through the throat.
14    (b) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
Forging is a working proces by which metals is pressed are hamered into the desired shapes. It is one of the kinds of metal working operasions performed by blakesmiths in ancient times. Cold forging add considerable strenth.

15.   (a) Write a project report to Johnson and Johnson Company, Chennai a project proposal for the establishment of a hair oil company in Madurai.
(b) Imagine that you have to go to New Delhi to appear for an interview. Make a checklist of ten with a proper title for your reference.

Dec 2010 BE SCYX1001 Engineering Chemistry Sathyabama University

Dec 2010 BE SCYX1001 Engineering Chemistry Sathyabama University
Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech-Common to ALL Branches
Title of the Paper: Engineering Chemistry            Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: SCYX1001                                           Time: 3 Hours
Date: 08/12/2010                                                    Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1.     A water sample contains 120 mg of MgSO4 and 60 mg of NaCl. Calculate the hardness in terms of CaCO3 Equivalent.

2.     Distinguish between scale and sludge.

3.     Why does the specific gravity of sulphuric acid decrease during the discharge of lead acid battery?

4.     How is lithium primary cells classified? Give examples.

5.     Define pilling bedworth rule. What is its significance?

6.     Bolt and nut made of the same metals are preferred in practice. Why?

7.     How are explosives assessed?

8.     What is the basic principle behind rocket engine?

9.     Distinguish between physisorption and chemisorption.

10.   What is electrostatic painting?

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer ALL the Questions

11.   (a) Describe in detail the ion exchange process of softening of hard water. What are its advantages over zeolite process?   (8)
(b) Draw a schematic flow chart for domestic water treatment (Various stages involved).                                                     (4)
12.   (a) Explain how will you estimate the amount of hardness in sample water by EDTA method.                                                (8)
(b) What is reverse osmosis? What are its merits and demerits?
13.   (a) What is reversible battery? Discuss the construction and working of lead acid battery with reaction involving charging and discharging reactions.                                                                (8)
(b) Define the terms (i) Cycle life (ii) Internal resistance     (4)
14.   What are fuel cells? Give examples. Explain the principle, construction and working of Solid oxygen fuel cell, and how it differs from membrane fuel cell.

15.   (a) What is electrochemical corrosion? What are the conditions for electrochemical corrosion? Explain its mechanism?    (8)
(b) Write short notes on types of wet corrosion.                    (4)
16.   (a) Mention the various factors influencing corrosion. Discuss the importance of design and material selection in corrosion control.
(b) How will you protect an underground pipeline from corrosion?                                                                             (4)

17.   What are explosives? What are the requirements for explosives? How are they classified? Discuss the types of explosives with examples.
18.   What are the requirements for chemical propellants? Explain the classification of chemical propellants with examples.

19.   (a) Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm stating the assumption on which it is based. Explain how isotherm equation is modified at various pressures.                                                                (8)
(b) Deduce Freundlich adsorption equation. What are its limitations?                                                                                 (4)
20.   (a) Explain the role of adsorbents in catalysis and water softening.                                                                             (8)
(b) What is emulsion? What are the types of emulsion?       (4)

Dec 2010 BE SCSX1002 Programming in C Sathyabama University

Dec 2010 BE SCSX1002 Programming in C Sathyabama University
Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech- Common to ALL Branches (Except E&C)
Title of the Paper: Programming in C                    Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: SCSX1002                                           Time: 3 Hours
Date: 16/12/2010                                                    Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1.     Define variable. Give Example.

2.     List any four math functions.

3.     Write a code segment using while statement to print the numbers from 10 down to 1.

4.     What is the need of command line argument?

5.     What are the advantages of union over structure?

6.     Write a C program to reverse the given string.

7.     What is meant by malloc() function? Give example.

8.     Differentiate pointers with arrays.

9.     What is meant by preprocessor directives?

10.   Give the importance of graphics packages.

   PART – B                    (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   What are the different operators available in C? Explain with examples.
12.   Explain the input/output functions of ‘C’ with suitable example.
13.   Explain the following conditional statements.
        (a) nested if-else statement
        (b) switch-case statement
14.   (a) Write a C program that reads a number and display whether the number is prime or not using function.
        (b) Write short notes on storage class specifiers.

15.   Write a C program that gets and displays the report of n students with their personal and academic details using structures.
16.   Write a C program to perform the multiplication of two matrices.

17.   Differentiate pass by value and pass by address in C. Give example.
18.   Explain the different types of memory allocation functions with examples.

19.   Discuss the file handling functions of C in detail with suitable example.
20.   Discuss the C functions used in graphics in detail with suitable example.

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