Tuesday, May 12, 2015

9A01603 - Environmental Engineering-I B.Tech Civil JNTUA 2013 Question Paper

Jawaharlal Nehru Technlogical University , Anantapur
B.Tech Regular Examination , April/May 2013
Third Year
Second Semester
Department of Civil Engineering
9A01603 - Environmental Engineering-I
(Regulation 2009)

Code: 9A01603
B.Tech III Year II Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, April/May 2013
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) What are the types of demand?
(b) Explain incremental increase method of forecasting population.
(a) On what factors the dose of co-agulents depends. How the optimum co-agulents dose is determined.
(b) Water works explain sedimentation briefly.
3 (a) Why is disinfection necessary?
(b) What is the mechanism involved in disinfection? Explain any one of disinfectant in detail.
4 (a) Describe various methods of distributing water and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
(b) What are the materials used for conversing conducts? Explain any two materials.
5 Why is the knowledge of storm sewage necessary? How is storm sewage computed? Describe the factors the quantity of storm sewage.
6 (a) Explain the necessity of providing manhole in sewer line.
(b) Explain the construction of manhole with the help of neat sketches.
7 (a) With a neat sketch explain the working of trickling filter.
(b) Write short note on advantages of recirculation of tricking filter.
8 (a) What are the main objects of treating sewage?
(b) Give a neat sketch of a common type of sewage treatment plant.

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