Friday, May 29, 2015

August 2010 Sathyabama University BE 6C0105 Cryptography & Network Security

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B. Tech - CSE/DCS/IT
Title of the Paper: Cryptography & Network Security Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0105                                                         Time: 3 Hours
Date: 26/08/2010                                                            Session: FN

                                       PART - A                    (10 x 2 = 20)
                        Answer ALL the Questions

1.     What is meant by network security?       

2.     Define Steganography.

3.     Mention the block cipher principles.

4.     Draw and explain the key distribution diagram.

5.     What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

6.     Explain the principle in Dittie-Hellman key exchange.

7.     What is meant by message authentication?

8.     Define Hash function.

9.     Distinguish Computer Security and Network security.

10.   What does Zombic mean?

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   Draw and Illustrate the OSI security architecture.
12.   Explain any three-substitution  techniques.  

13.   Write short notes on
                (a) Cipher Block Chaining Mode.
                (b) Cipher Feedback Mode.
                (c) Output Feedback Mode.
14.   (a) Explain the working principle of Blumblumshub generator.(7)
        (b) How to achieve traffic confidentiality?                           (5)

15.   Describe RSA public key encryption and discuss its security issues.
16.   Explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.

17.   Draw and explain MD5 algorithm.
18.   Illustrate the motivation and authentication of Kerberos.

19.   Explain IP security and Web security with example.

20.   Explain different types of firewalls with neat diagram.

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