Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch:
Title of the Paper: Software Engineering Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 512405-6C0062 Time:
3 Hours
Date: 13/11/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. List the various software characteristics.
2. Write the different levels of CMM.
3. What do you mean by software prototyping?
4. What is behavioral modeling?
5. Define the terms: abstraction and modularity.
6. Mention the use of Architectural Context Diagram.
7. What is Z-specification language?
8. What is meant by debugging?
9. What is Reverse Engineering?
10. Define software reliability.
PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. (a)
Explain the operation of Waterfall model. List its advantages.
(b) What is a software myth? Explain management myth. (4)
12. (a)
Explain the use of COCOMO model.
(b) Write note on project planning.
13. Discuss about the system analysis and various
analysis principles.
14. Compare
Scenario-based modeling and flow-oriented modeling. Illustrate with examples.
15. (a)
Explain the pattern based software design.
(b) Describe the taxonomy of Architectural styles.
16. Discuss
in detail about the user interface design. Illustrate with an example.
17. Explain
the Black box testing. Compare it with White box testing.
18. Explain the following:
(a) Integration testing
(b) System testing
19. (a)
Explain the function of software reengineering process model.
(b) What is Software maintenance? Explain. (4)
20. Write notes on:
(a) SCM process (8)
(b) Functions of SQA. (4)
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