Friday, May 29, 2015

BE 6C0017 (2006/07/08/09) Physics of Electronics & Materials Sathyabama University Dec 2010

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech - CSE/ECE/E&C/EIE/ETCE/IT
Title of the Paper: Physics of Electronics & Materials Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0017 (2006/07/08/09)                            Time: 3 Hours
Date: 10/12/2010                                                           Session: AN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1.     What are the main drawbacks of classical free electron theory of metals?

2.     What is meant by DC Josephson effect?

3.     State ampere’s circuital law.

4.     Write down differential forms of Gauss’s law in electrostatics?

5.     Add the following binary numbers 01012 and 11112.

6.     What is Excess 3 code and gray code?

7.     What is the structure of fiber?

8.     What are the differences between single mode fiber and multimode fiber?

9.     What is dielectric loss?

10.   Define magnetic susceptibility.

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11.   Obtain expression for electrical and thermal conductivity and hence deduce Wiedemann – Franz law.
12.   Write a note on isotope effect. Describe type I and type – II superconductors with suitable diagram.
13.   Give an account of Maxwell’s equation in free space. Solve the equations to deduce the electromagnetic wave equation in free space.
14.   (a)    State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.               (4)
(b)   Write a note about displacement current and charges conservation law.                                                         (8)

15.   (a)    Convert 328710 into octal equivalent.                            (3)
        (b)   Convert 1001102 to its octal number.                            (3)
        (c)    Obtain decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number 9B        (3)
        (d)   Convert 7368 into an equivalent binary number.           (3)
16.   (a)    Perform the following binary subtraction using 1’s
                (i)    1010112 – 100102
                (ii)   10002 – 112
        (b)   Perform the following binary subtraction using 2’s
                (i)    11012 – 10112­                              (ii)   10002 – 112

17.   Explain the principle of propagation of light through optical fiber.
18.   (a)    Explain the principle and working of optical fiber
                communication system with a neat block diagram.      (8)
        (b)   Define the terms attenuation and distortion in optical fiber.
19.   Derive an expression for internal (or) local field and deduce the Clausis Mosotti equation.
20.   (a)    Distinguish between soft and hard magnetic materials.        (8)
(b)   Write a short note about organisation and operation of Floppy disk.                                                                        (4)

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