Register Number
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Course & Branch:
Title of the Paper:
Programming in C++ Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0094
(2007/08/09) Time: 3 Hours
Date: 13/12/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. List out the characteristics of object
oriented programming.
2. What
are the merits and demerits of object oriented methodology?
3. Can the parameter of a copy constructor be
passed by value?
4. How does a constructor differ from a normal
5. Define a class time with hr, min, sec and
create 10 objects of it.
6. Specify
the limitation of multiple inheritance.
7. What is pure virtual function?
8. In
what order are the class constructor called when derived class object is
9. Justify
the need for virtual function in C++.
10. Distinguish
between synchronous and asynchronous exception.
PART – B (5
x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Explain
the basic concept of object oriented programming.
12. With
examples, discuss the various control flow statements in C++.
13. List
out the different types of constructors and destructors with examples.
14. (a) Define Friend class and specify its
importance with an
example this.
example this.
(b) What is the pointer? When is it used? Give an
15. Write
a C++ program to swap multiple type values using templates.
16. Write
a C++ program to compare two distances given in feet and inches to check
whether one distance is less than the other by overloading < operator.
17. Create
an abstract base class ‘polygon’ with ‘base’ and ‘height’ as members, a
function for initialization and a pure virtual function to compute area.
18. (a) What
is the use of virtual base class? Explain with an
(b) Explain
multiple inheritance with an example.
19. What is an
exception? Explain the various constructs used for handling exceptions. Give an
20. Discuss
in detail the various file operations and file modes in C++.
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