Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch: B.E-CSE
Title of the Paper: Software Quality Assurance and Testing
Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 411606-CSE15 Time:
3 Hours
Date: 10/11/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
Define a Test Case.
2. Why
is it important to develop test cases for both valid and invalid input
3. Suppose
a tester believes a unit contains a specification defect. Which testing
strategy would be best to uncover the defect and why?
4. function
x >=0. 0
y>=0.0 and approximately
reply exception
A specification of a square root function id given
above. Provide all the input equivalence classes for this module.
5. Name
same of the elements necessary to implement a defect prevention program.
6. Summarize the issues that arise in Class
7. What
metrics would you suggest for monitoring the test status during system test for
a large application with no-mission or safety critical features, developed in
OO approach?
8. What
is the difference between software reliability and availability from the view
point of a software user?
9. What is the role of human factors in
process assessment?
10. List
down the steps that are applied in the TMM ranking procedure.
PART – B (5
x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Describe
all the principles involved in the software testing process. Discuss all the
intricacies involved in realizing each principle.
12. Suppose
you are testing a code component and you discover a defect: it calculates an
output variable incorrectly.
How would you classify this defect?
What are the likely causes of this defect?
What steps could have been taken to prevent this type of defect from
propagating to the code?
13. Define
the equivalence classes and boundary values and develop a set of test cases to
cover them for the following module description: The module is part of a public
TV membership system. The module allows entry of a contribution from $0.01 to
$99,999.99. It also enters a member status for the contributor that can be:
regular, student/retiree, or studio club.
14. Suppose
a program allowed a user to search a part name in a specific group of part
records. The user inputs the record number that is believed to hold the part,
and the part name to search for. The program will inform the user if the record
number is within the legal range of allowed record numbers (1-1000). If it is
not, then an error message will be issued-“record number is out of range”. If
the record number is within the range, and the part is found, the program will
return “part found”, else it will report “part not found”. Identify the input
and output conditions, i.e., causes and effects. Draw a “cause-and –effect”
graph and a decision table for this specification. From the table generate a
set of test inputs and expected outputs.
15. From
your knowledge with online and / or catalog shopping, develop a use case to
describe a user purchase of a television set with a credit card from an online
vendor using web based software. With the aid of your use-case, design a set of
tests you could be during system test to evaluate the software.
16. (a)
How would you define a software unit? In terms of your definitions, what
constitutes a unit for the procedural code; for object-oriented code?
What are the key differences in integrating procedural-oriented systems as
compared to object-oriented systems?
17. (a)
Summarize the benefits of putting a defect-prevention program in place.
Examine the role of the three critical groups in defect prevention.
18. Investigate
how the defect causal analysis is performed with a simple example.
19. Describe the five-level structure of the Testing Maturity Model.
20. Discuss
any two industrial applications of the TMM applied to CMM.
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