Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch: B.E-CSE
Title of the Paper: Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science
Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 611401 Time:
3 Hours
Date: 22/11/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. Given
two sets A = {1, 3, 5, 7} and B (1, 2, 5, 8, 9}. Perform the union,
intersection and difference operations on A and B.
2. Prove that for any sets A, B and C,
if AÇB = f and C Í B then A Ç C = f.
3. Prove that formula (00*1)*1 = 1 + 0(0 +
4. State the Nonrecursive definition of d* for an NFA.
5. What
language is generated by the CFG with the each of the following production?
(a) S ® aSa½bSb½ Ù
(b) S ® aSa ½bSb½a½b
6. State
the definition of Deterministic PDA.
7. Draw
the transition diagram for a Turing Machine accepting the language {anbncn
|n ³ 0}
8. Prove
that: “if L is a recursively enumerable language whose complement is
recursively enumerable, then L is recursive”.
9. Show
that the relation £ on a set of languages is reflective and transitive.
10. Is
the following decision problem unsolvable or solvable? Justify your answer WriteSymbol: Given TMT, and a symbol a in
its tape alphabet, does T ever write a if it is started with a blank tape?
PART – B (5
x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. If
L1, L2 and L3 be languages over some alphabet. In each part below two languages
are given. Say what is the relationship (equal of one is subset of other)
between them. Give reason for your answer with corresponding examples.
(a) L1(L2ÇL3) and L1L2Ç L1L3
(b) L1*ÇL2* and (L1ÇL2)
(c) L1*L2* and
(d) L1* (L2
L1*)* and
(L1* L2)* L1*
12. (a)
Prove that for any positive integers i, j and n, if i * j = n, then either

(b) Discuss the principles of Mathematical Induction. (8)
13. Define
Finite Automation. Draw the transition diagram for a FA to recognize L = {0, 1}*{10},
the language of all string in {0, 1}* ending in 00.
14. Consider
the NFA

Design the transition function table for the given NFA
Apply the subset construction to covert the given NFA
to an FA
15. Let G be the context free grammar with
S ® S + S |S * S | (S) | a
and let G1 be the context-free grammar with
S1 ® S1 + T | T
T ® T * F | F
F ® (S1) | a
Prove that L(G) = L(G1)
16. Give
the transition table for PDAs recognizing each of the following languages
(a) The language of all nonpalindromes over {a, b}
(b) {anx | n ³ 0, x Î {a, b}* and |x| £ n}
(c) {aibjck | i,j,k ³ 0 and j = i or
j = k}
(d) {x Î {a, b, c}*|na(x) < nb(x)
or na(x) < nc(x)}
17. (a)
Consider the following regular languages
(i) L1 = {a, b}*{a, b, a} {a,
(ii) L2 = {a, b}*{a, b, c}
Draw the Finite Automation and construct Turing
Machine for each. (8)
(b) Construct a Turing Machine that creates copy of
its input string, to the left of the input with a symbol @ separating the copy
from the original. (4)
18. (a)
Prove that: “If L is accepted by a nondeterministic Turing Machine T, and every
possible sequence of moves of T causes it to halt, then L is recursive”
(b) Find unrestricted grammars to generate each of the
following languages
(i) {anbnanbn
|n ³ 0}
(ii) {an x bn | n ³ 0, x Î {a, b}*, |x| = n}
(iii) {ssrs |s Î {a, b}*}
19. (a)
Give the proof for the lemma: “The language E = {e(T) | T is a TM} is
recursive” (4)
(b) Discuss Halting problem to reduce one problem to
another (8)
20. (a)
State the rice’s theorem and prove it. (8)
(b) Show that the problem of Subset can be reduced to
the problem of Equivalent. (4)
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