Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch: B.E-CSE/DCS
Title of the Paper: J2EE Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 511602-611601 Time:
3 Hours
Date: 18/11/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. What is meant by Naming Services?
2. Define connection pooling.
3. Draw the servlet life cycle.
4. How is a servlet to a servlet communication
5. Define servlet chaining. Highlight its use.
6. What is the need for using cookies?
7. Identify the advantages of JSP over
8. What types of comments are available in the
9. How
do you check whether the session in active in Stateful session bean?
10. Define SOAP and mention its use.
(5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Explain
the J2EE Architecture in detail. Also explain how the directory services are
implemented in J2EE.
12. With
a complete example, explain how the database connection is established. Also
explain with an example, how the SQL statements are created and executed.
13. Explain
the servlet to servlet communication with an example. Also explain how the
security is supported by the servlets?
14. Define
a web application. Explain the types of web application. Explain the web
application life cycle in detail. Also write a pseudocode for developing a
simple web application.
15. Define
session tracking. Explain the session lifecycle API. Illustrate the HTTP
session interface with an example. Also highlight the importance of using the
servlet collaboration.
16. Describe
the RequestDispatcher mechanism in servlets. Write a servlet code to create a
request dispatcher. Write servlet code to forward or include the target
resource; and identify and describe the additional request-scoped attributes
provided by the container to the target resource.
17. Explain
the design strategies for a JSP. Explain the JSP TAG Extensions. Explain how to
write a simple TAG with an example.
18. What
is a Java Mail API? Explain the main protocols used with Java in detail.
19. (a) Explain the EJB container services in
(b) With a neat sketch, explain the EJB
architecture in detail.
20. Explain the following in detail with
(a) UDDI
(b) JAXP
(c) JAXB
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