Friday, May 29, 2015

BE DCS 6C0061 Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing Sathyabama University Dec 2010

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E - DCS
Title of the Paper: Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing
Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0061                                                 Time: 3 Hours
Date: 28/08/2010                                                    Session: FN

                                       PART - A                    (10 x 2 = 20)
                        Answer ALL the Questions

1.     List out the different computer instruction formats.
2.     Write the basic functional units of computer.

3.     Define ALU What are the various operations performed in ALU?

4.     Define Bit slice-processor.

5.     What is the need for virtual memory?

6.     Define DMA.

7.     What is parallel processing?

8.     How much speed will be gained from a pipelined architecture?

9.     Mention the processor characteristics.

10.   What do you mean by data flow computers?

PART – B                               (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   Discuss about CPU Organization in detail.
12.   Write brief notes on Architectural classification scheme.

13.   Differentiate brief about fixed point arithmetic and floating point arithmetic.
14.   Explain Micro programmed control elaborately.

15.   Describe in detail about Memory Systems.
16.   Write briefly about Communication methods.

17.   Give the principle of Linear pipelining and explain its classification.
18.   Discuss in detail about Vector processing.

19.   Compare and contrast between Tightly coupled and Loosely coupled architectures.
20.   Explain in detail about Static data flow computers and Dynamic data flow computers.

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