Monday, May 25, 2015

BE EEE Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks Sathyabama University

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)

Course & Branch :B.E - P-EEE
Title of the Paper :Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks                                                                 Max. Marks :80
Sub. Code :SECX1048(2010/2011)                       Time : 3 Hours
Date :20/03/2014                                                    Session :FN

                                       PART - A                    (10 x 2 = 20)
                        Answer ALL the Questions
1.     State the characteristics of a linguistic variable.    

2.     Define cross over points of a fuzzy set.

3.     Write the fuzzy rules for solving XOR problem.

4.     If universe of integers is y={1,2,3,4,9}, the following linguistic terms are mapped on to Y.
        “Small” =    
Find the composite linguistic term = “not very small and not very  large”

5.     What do synchronous and asynchronous updates mean?

6.     Construct McCulloch Pitts network for the following expression.
        N3( t ) = N2( t – 2 ) & N1( t- 3 )

7.     Compare the performance of Boltzmann and Cauchy machines

8.     Why convergence is not guaranteed in back propagation networks?

9.     Prove that BAM is unconditionally stable for any binary units.

10.   Distinguish complex cells from simple cells in a neocognitron.

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   (a) Let two fuzzy sets be given as (4)
        A=   and B=
        Verify Demorgam’s principles.
        (b) Let two fuzzy relations be given as (8)
        R1= and R2=
        Find R1 Ο  R2  by     i.  Max-Min composition
                                        ii. Mazx-product composition
12.   For the following output fuzzy sets B1, B2 and B3, calculate the defuzzified value using
        (a) Centroid method
(b) Weighted Average
(c) First/Last of Maxima
13.   With suitable example explain the applicability of fuzzy logic in measurement, control and manufacturing fields.
14.   Discuss about the application of fuzzy logic in Biomedical signal processing.

15.   (a) With neat sketches explain the structure and function of a typical cell in the central nervous system.                                 (8)
        (b) Compare Biological Neural Network with Artificial Neural Network.                                                                                         (4)
16.   (a) Give a simple perceptron neuron model and explain why perceptron cannot represent an EX-OR problem?  
        (b) Find the updated weights of a perceptron model to solve NAND problem. (Assume Bipolar input)

17.   Analyse a single feed forward and back propagation step for the network shown It should respond with [O1 O2] T = [ 0.95  0.05] T to the input pattern [Z1  Z2  -1] T = [ 1  3  -1] T
18.   (a) Describe the Instar and Outstar model and explain how counter propagation network can be used for image classification.
        (b) Assume the three memories of five dimensions as follows are to be stored in a Hopfield model. Find the weight structure.  (4)
        I1 = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, I2 = {1, -1, -1, 1, -1 } and I3={ -1,  1, -1, -1, -1 }

19.   What are cognitron and Neocognitron? With suitable diagram explain the S-cell and C-cell processing algorithm of Neocognitron.
20.   Consider an ART network with nine input units and two cluster units. After some training the bottom-up weights (bij) and top-down weights (tji) have the following values.
Bottom up weights

Top-down weights
1  0  0  1  1  0  0  1  1
1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1







        The pattern (1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) is presented to the network. Compute the action of the network if the vigilance parameter is 0.5.

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