Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch:
Title of the Paper: Cell
Biology Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0014
(2007/08/09) Time: 3 Hours
Date: 06/12/2010 Session: FN
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. What is Mitosis? What are the stages in
2. What is meant by prophase I and add a note
on how it differs from prophase II.
3. Write short notes on ATPase pumps.
4. Define Antiport and Symport.
5. What are endocrine glands? Give examples.
6. What are autocrine glands? Give examples.
7. Write the structure of cAMP.
8. Write the structure of cGMP.
9. What is a callus?
10. What is immunocytochemistry?
PART – B (
5 x 12 = 60)
Answer ALL the Questions
11. Explain Eukaryotic cell with a neat labeled
12. Explain Prokaryotic cell with a neat labeled
13. Explain the process of Exocytosis and
Endocytosis with neat sketch.
14. Explain the various transport systems present
in a cell.
15. Write a detail note on membrane bound
16. Explain a method to quantitate and
characterize receptor.
17. Explain the role of IP3 and G-Protein in
signal transduction.
18. Explain the models of signal amplification.
19. Explain plant tissue culture.
20. Explain the methods to generate and maintain
cell lines.
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