Tuesday, May 12, 2015

B.Tech EEE 9ABS303 - Environmental Science JNUTA 2011 Question Paper Set 3

Jawaharlal Nehru Technlogical University , Anantapur

B.Tech Regular & Supplementary Examination , November 2011

Second Year

First Semester

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

9ABS303 - Environmental Science

(Regulation 2009)

Code: 9ABS303
II B.Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2011
(Common to EEE, EIE, E.Con.E, ECE, ECC, CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 Discuss the scope and importance of environmental studies.
2 (a) Write short notes on renewable energy resources.
(b) Write notes on uses and over exploitation of forest resources.
3 (a) Give the characteristic features of a grassland ecosystem.
(b) Write short notes ecological pyramid.
4 (a) Write about endangered and endemic species of India.
(b) Discuss in – site conservation of biodiversity.
5 (a) Write about causes, effects and control measures of industrial wastes.
(b) Write about nuclear hazards quoting a recently happened nuclear disaster.
6 (a) Write about watershed management leading to water conservation.
(b) Discuss ozone layer depletion and its effect on human health.
7 (a) What are human rights? How are they protected by law?
(b) Discuss HIV/AIDS control measures being taken by our government.
8 (a) How does value education help in grooming engineering graduates? Discuss.
(b) Briefly write about a local polluted site that you have visited recently.

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