Saturday, May 30, 2015

EE2355 Design of Electrical Machines Grace Marks Details

Have you written Anna University BE EEE examinations 2015? Want to know how much grace marks being provided for a subject EE2355 Design of Electrical Machines? The head to here under to look for grace marks details being offered for certain out of syllabus questions of this subject.

EE2355 Design of Electrical Machines Grace Marks Details:-
University Anna University Chennai
Subject: Design of Electrical Machines
Subject Code: EE2355
Total Grace Marks: 16 marks
Details: Part B -16 Marks : 13(b) Data given is wrong (1 x 5 is given instead of 1 x 0.5) - Expecting full 16 marks as grace marks

Source: 13.(b). A 250 kVA, 6600/400 V, 3 phase core type transformer has a total loss of 4800 W at
full load. The transformer tank is 1.25 m in height and 1×5in plan. Design a suitable scheme for tubes if the average temperature rise is to be limited to 35 degree C. The diameter of tubes is 50 mm and are spaced 75mm from each other. The average height of tubes is 1.05m. Specific heat dissipation due to radiation and convection is respectively 6 and 6.5 Wb-degree C. Assume that convection is improved by 35 percent due to provision of tubes.

Data given is wrong (1 x 5 is given instead of 1 x 0.5) - Expecting full 16 marks as grace marks
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