Sunday, May 31, 2015

JNTUA R7410502 WEB TECHNOLOGIES Nov Dec 2011 Question Paper

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur
B.Tech Regular & Supplementary Examination, Nov Dec 2011
Fourth year
First Semester
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7410502-Web Technologies
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7410502
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November/December 2011
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) Write about relative path and absolute path with suitable examples?
(b) Explain definition lists?
(c) Explain various mechanisms to apply styles to HTML documents.

2 What is Data validation?
Write a java script and html code to validate the form elements data?
[The form elements are:
 Name: valid –Lower case, upper case, spaces, hyphens and apostrophes characters.
 Age: valid - 0 through 9 digits.
 Hits: Using regular expressions].

3 (a) Explain XML elements?
(b) Explain DTD.

4 (a) What is Introspection? Explain.
(b) Write about various types of EJBs.

5 (a) Write a java code to read HTTP request and write a HTTP response.
(b) What is coubie? Write a java code to create a coubie and to read it?

6 (a) Write about the problems with servlets.
(b) Explain JSP Action Elements.
(c) Write about servlet life cycle.

7 (a) Write about the element syntax errors.
(b) Write a JSP code to convert page hits.
8 Explain accessing a database from a JSP page.

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